Reflex energises European joint venture and breaks new ground on the continent

The Challenge

A major liquid gas storage facility on the EU mainland needed a sophisticated single technology platform in place to control and monitor production and site management technologies; the brief included providing cover for the underground gas storage assets, and the company turned to one of Britain’s finest security and technology integrators – Reflex – as an approved GE integrator, to devise the appropriate partnered solution.

As a high profile energy installation serving the pan-European economy, the facility naturally requires top level of security and only suitably accredited companies may work on the site. The solution would include sophisticated perimeter protection, coupled with high level access control and CCTV recording, monitoring and surveillance – enabling the company to comply with all the necessary European industry standards. Key to the contract would be the supplier’s ability to partner with a range of companies and organisations to deliver a seamless joint venture technology deployment.


The Solution

Reflex specified, designed and installed an automation software integrated solution. Thanks to an intensive programme of work at the software level by Reflex, this ultimately ensured that all the previously disparate systems on-site would integrate together totally seamlessly. The ultimate scope of Reflex’s work included a remit for hardware, software, project management and the delivery of bespoke video analytics. CCTV was networked with the access control, perimeter detection, PA and automation software, providing one easy-to-use and manage interface for all the site’s technology and security systems. Intrinsically safe (ATEX accredited) technologies needed to be deployed to comply with health and safety legislation.

Client’s View

“The petrochemical industry is one where no shortcuts can be taken in terms of safety and security, so we needed a company we could trust to deliver to the highest standards, which led us to approach Reflex. Liquid gas storage is a high risk and potentially highly flammable environment, so security needs to be tight and any other technologies utilised need to pass rigorous industry KPIs and EU Standards prior to install and testing.

Reflex has, as a GE integrator, delivered an effective solution to satisfy the brief. The project is still ongoing and we look forward to its final completion a little later in the year.”
“EU Gas storage spokesperson”

Reflex View

“Having been fully briefed by the client, we were able to call on our considerable partnering and sector experience in the Petrochemical, Utilities and high risk environments. As a GE approved technology integration partner, we delivered a single technical platform to control and monitor the site, including production and process monitoring. Delivering systems that will operate both perimeter protection and underground as well is a challenge but by making some substantial alterations to the standard software models, we were able to deliver a highly effective integrated system.”
“John Pye, Group Managing Director, Reflex”


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