Integraph provides incident management systems for firefighting and rescue services


Intergraph Technology Will Protect One Million Peoplein the Southern Part of France

Following a request for proposal lasting almost a year, the bidder group Intergraph®, SOMEI (Société Méditerranéenne d’Etudes et d’Informatique) and SYSOCO have been selected to provide the operational incident management system for firefighting and rescue services in the Department of Hérault, Montpellier/France.

Intergraph’s Computer-Aided Dispatch solution (I/CAD) will help to optimize the management of 70,000 events per year handled by the 3,600 firefighters of the Hérault Fire Brigade and Rescue Service. The solution will contribute toward optimizing information sharing and command orders between the command-and-control room (CTA/CODIS) at Vailhauques, north of Montpellier, the 75 response centers, mobile command posts, equipment and staff on missions as well as service partners.

The system currently in use by France’s various fire brigades and rescue services is based on high-performance architecture. It has been secured and accepted and includes elements such as a new radio switch associated to various radio networks, the renewal of telephone and IT equipment in the command-and-control rooms and rescue centers, and connections to the secured ANTARES National digital radio network with “NF Logiciel Sécurité Civile” certified solutions.

The following factors will help ensure the success of the project – cooperation with the departmental fire brigade and rescue service of Hérault, the implementation of high-level technology, the sustainable character of the solution, which has the ability to evolve over time, and user support during the change-over.

This major change represents important progress for the Department of Hérault, as well as the nearly 4,000 employees of the service. The system is scheduled to go live in early 2014.

”Intergraph is proud to join our partners in this project to provide a state-of-the-art operational management system,” said John Graham, President, Intergraph SG&I. “We are pleased to serve the Department of Herault in their efforts to protect lives and property.”


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