Building Your Brand: What Matters Most?

In today’s climate of media fragmentation, there’s a lot of advice out there for brands. But before you dive into tactics like web design, social media and email marketing, make sure you have these basics nailed down says Diana Wolff, President of LRG Marketing Communications.

  1. Understand how your audience sees you

It’s a fair bet that none of your customers or prospects sees you the way you see yourself. For example, you might consider your company a “solutions provider” for your industry, but the industry may see you as a camera company, a great place to work, or a manufacturer of pricey-but-quality products.

To build a successful brand, you should recognise this reality instead of trying to work against it. You need to discover how your audience sees you – and then lean into that image, find a way to capitalise on its positive aspects and follow that road.

  1. Make yourself a source of valuable information

Almost every purchase journey begins with a search for information. At this point your prospect doesn’t want to see product messages – they want to learn about the category.

Smart brands use content marketing to build a library of useful and valuable information like this. This is the true definition of “thought leadership” – not talking about your company or products, but educating your audience on a range of topics that are relevant to them. This demonstrates that your brand is an industry expert that cares about solving their problems.

  1. Put your customers’ needs first

Today, people often search for answers to problems rather than looking for specific products. When brands try to market by talking about their products or technology, they miss the opportunity to be at the other end of that search.

Smart brands use this knowledge and flip the script on marketing, creating content addressing a wide range of pain points. A quick response to questions and concerns on social media, today’s public forum for judging brands, also shows that you care.

Build a foundation for long-term relationships with your prospects – and you’ll see them become customers, advocates and even ambassadors for your brand.

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