Increase Lone Worker safety with a Lone Worker Monitoring System

Increase Lone Worker safety with a Lone Worker Monitoring System

In a handy infographic, QR-Patrol discuss how to increase Lone Worker safety by introducing a Lone Worker Monitoring System – ensuring that those having to work in isolated conditions are kept safe and secure at all times.

Lone Workers – major risks and policy
There are so many times you wish to be alone in work – this much is true. Either to eliminate stress, stop feeling your supervisor’s eyes on your side, get work done without frustration, too many phone calls etc. Or, if you’re just feeling bored and need some relaxation time. Well, if you consider yourself not lucky enough, just rethink about it and set in place the following question:

Would you really love to be a Lone Worker?

It’s not so simple to answer. Whilst Lone Working does mean relaxation and distance from supervision, it can also mean increased danger, low safety and hard-to-deal-with working situations.

Lone working does not automatically imply a higher risk of violence, but it is a general concept that working alone increases the vulnerability of Lone Workers. Moreover, this vulnerability depends on the type of situation in which the lone work is being carried out.

So, just keep in mind that supervision is not a curse. Indeed, in Lone Working situations it could be a real blessing.

Lone Workers have to be safe and employers have a legal and moral duty to keep all of their staff safe. In case of Lone Workers, monitoring procedures must be put in place.

Employers need to know where a lone worker is. Ensuring Lone Workers safety, the company will benefit from increased productivity, improved services to the end customer and reduced business costs.

Taken into consideration that the lone worker’s market is a developing and expanding market worldwide, we have created a detailed infographic to explain basic definitions regarding Lone Workers and all aspects of Lone Working environment:

Increase Lone Worker safety with a Lone Worker Monitoring System


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