Awards From Around the World for Suspect Search Solution

NICE Systems has announced that it has received several awards for its Suspect Search Video Analytics solution, which was officially announced to the market on September 22 and showcased for the first time at ASIS International 2014.

  • ASIS Accolades award – presented by ASIS International, the organisation for security professionals worldwide, this award recognises the security industry’s most innovative new products, services and solutions
  • Campus Safety BEST award – recognizing superlative security, law enforcement, emergency management and safety solutions for K-12 campuses, institutions of higher education and healthcare organisations
  • Security Trophy for “Innovative Tool and Application” of the Year – 2014 (by Marc Dumas Conseil, France) – awarded to the company that demonstrates innovative and effective solutions for improving the performance of security teams and their clients

NICE Suspect Search is a patent-pending video analytics technology that can quickly locate and retrace the movements of a suspect, lost child, or other person of interest within a video surveillance network. Video footage from different cameras and time frames can be reviewed in just minutes, as the system automatically filters out 95 percent of irrelevant images. In addition to achieving faster response times, organisations are able to restore normal operations quicker following a breach to a sensitive area. Digitally stamped images, video, and related location information associated with each search can easily be shared with police departments and district attorneys as part of forensic investigations.

Chris Wooten, Executive Vice President, NICE Security Group, said:

“Shortly after its launch, Suspect Search received a number of accolades from around the globe. This enthusiasm reinforces the market need for such a solution and further positions NICE as a leading innovator in the industry. Suspect Search is an important tool which allows for the practical application of video analytics in order to search for a specific person in real time.”

NICE’s security solutions help organisations capture, analyse and leverage big data to anticipate, manage and mitigate security and safety risks, improve operations, and make the world a safer place. The NICE security, intelligence and cyber offerings provide valuable insights that enable enterprises and government agencies to take the best action at the right time by correlating structured and unstructured data from multiple sensors and channels, detecting irregular patterns, and recognising trends. The solutions have been deployed to help secure a broad range of organisations and events, such as banks, utility companies, airports, seaports, city centers, transportation systems, major tourist attractions, as well as sporting events and diplomatic meetings.

For more information on NICE Suspect Search, visit

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