BrightTALK Cloud and Mobile Security Summit

The last few months have seen a string of high profile and damaging data breaches, with Snapchat, JP Morgan and iCloud all relinquishing sensitive customer data. 

The world’s media has latched onto these serious violations. The breaches have left many comparing the cloud and mobile environment to the Wild West – with nowhere safe left to turn!

Increased mobility and a greater number of devices are adding innumerable endpoints and opportunities for threats to penetrate into your network and steal your data. 

So how are today’s security teams coping with these challenges?

On the 11th and 12th of November (10am-3pm GMT), BrightTALK will be hosting a thought leadership summit, focused on that exact issue. The two-day, online Cloud and Mobile Security Summit will include a series of talks from the biggest names in Information Security.

Speakers from Ping Identity, FireEye, Barracuda Networks, Symantec, Fortinet, and many more will be putting forward their security leadership, to give you their best real-world and actionable advice on staying secure and breach free.

Featured thought leaders include KPMG’s Michele Daryanani, who will be speaking on the evolving nature of hacking in the cloud and mobile environment. Along with Swisscom’s Head of Group Security, Roger Halbheer, who wIll be talking BYOD, secure collaborations and the daily challenges of protecting a major telecomms provider.

Register now for the summit where the speakers will be sharing the latest trends and best practices for sustaining an impenetrable security posture, while allowing your employees the flexibility needed for continued growth.

All the sessions are free to attend, live or on demand – from the comfort of your home or whilst you eat your sarnies at lunch in the office. 

Each presentation will also include 15minutes at the end, giving you a chance to quiz the thought leaders with any of your burning cloud and mobile security questions.

We look forward to seeing you in November!

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