Calico Group invests in worker safety with Identicom for lone workers

Calico-024 (2)Determined that its lone working employees will always receive high quality and reliable safety support, The Calico Group, a leading housing group in East Lancashire, has contracted with Connexion2 to provide its award-winning and ACPO accredited Identicom lone worker device (LWD). Connexion2 has supplied a total of 150 Identicom devices to Calico including a number of units with ‘Man Down’ detection.

Supplied as part of Connexion2’s SoloProtect package, the Identicom fully managed solution comprises of fixed and inclusive monthly billing, SIM Card, all network usage*, a 24/7 audio-link facility to an Alarm Receiving Centre, device training, monthly reporting on usage and a dedicated Customer Support team.  Connexion provides SoloProtect solutions to thousands of lone workers in the UK – all are compliant with BS8484 (British Standard for Lone Worker Device Services) and as such guarantee a Police escalation at a regional level when required.

The Calico Group encompasses four companies; Calico Homes, Calico Enterprise, East Lancashire Women’s Rescue and Ring Stones. Calico Homes manages 4,500 homes across Lancashire; Calico Enterprise works with other organisations to deliver a range of projects across North West England; East Lancashire Women’s Rescue provides services for victims of domestic violence and abuse and Ring Stones, a new company, undertakes maintenance and house building projects.

A wide range of front-line staff including Neighbourhood Officers, Float Support Officers and Home Support Officers use the standard Identicom units whilst those working in more isolated environments such as plumbers, gas engineers and carpenters will be equipped with Identicom with ‘Man Down’ detection.  The added benefit of ‘Man Down’ detection provides employees, working remotely or in difficult environments, with additional protection should a slip, fall or unknown health issue occur.

Previously Calico had used mobile phones, combined with an emergency code, to raise the alarm should a lone worker feel threatened.  However this was found to be cumbersome and unreliable.  In addition, alerts were sent directly to Calico’s head office and should key personnel be at a meeting or out of the office there was a possibility that the alert could go unnoticed for some time.

“We invited six companies to pitch for the business and then short listed two companies’ devices to trial”, said Kerry Tattersall, Health & Safety Manager at Calico.  “The staff thought the Identicom device was fabulous and said it was a million times better than their previous system.  All of the lone working staff now love the Identicom device and think it is brilliant”, Kerry concluded.

Now, when a user is entering a new or potentially hazardous situation, the user can activate the ‘Amber Alert’ function, this allows them to leave a quick 20-second voice message outlining whom and where they are, and what risks they are facing. This is accessed by the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) should there be a ‘Red Alert’ subsequently actioned on the device. During such an alert, dedicated staff at the Alarm Receiving Centre can discreetly listen in to what is happening and make an assessment as to the level of support required – involving the Police if necessary.  All audio captured through the device is recorded for future use as admissible evidence in court if required.

As manufacturers of Identicom, Connexion2 supply solutions direct to market through the SoloProtect brand while supplying indirectly through a number of authorised Partners. Identicom has also been awarded ‘Secured by Design’ status by the Association of Chief Police Officers for England & Wales.

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