On 27 July 2011 the completed merger of Fujinon (Europe) GmbH into FUJIFILM Europe GmbH was published. With this merger Fujifilm made a major step towards the consolidation and integration of core business activities in Europe. Prior to that, in July 2010, FUJIFILM Corporation, Tokyo, had absorbed its wholly-owned direct subsidiary Fujinon Corporation. Following that move, respective changes were initiated in other regions of the world.
Before the merger Fujinon (Europe) GmbH operated mainly in two market segments: Endoscopy Systems and Optical Devices. Within FUJIFILM Europe the Endoscopy Systems unit is integrated into the European Business Domain Medical Systems. It well supplements the existing product portfolio and enables Fujifilm to offer an enhanced product range out of one hand. The Optical Devices business was established as a new European Business Domain within the FUJIFILM Europe organization. Thereby, the Optical Devices business is given an enhanced and widened platform for successfully expanding its activities.