Megan Sheniz Onbashi gave her parents a surprise when she was born 5 weeks early, in January 2010. Unfortunately because of the horrible cold snowy weather and all the coughs and colds going round, and being premature and tiny, she became life threateningly ill on a couple of occasions and needed to go into hospital to get some urgent help.
When Megan was only 6 weeks old, she had to spend time at Addenbrookes Hospital (Cambridge) in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) on a ventilator. The Sick Children’s Trust look after Acorn House – accommodation at the hospital where families can stay so that they can be close to their sick baby /child. Without a place like this many families would struggle at a time when they are already very distressed. The Sick Children’s Trust doesn’t charge families to stay at this accommodation and therefore require donations from the public to carry on providing this great service.
“TEAM GENIE” is therefore trying to raise as much money as possible from their bike ride so they can give it to The Sick Children’s Trust and help other families stay close to their children.