BRE Global has published a guide to selecting and procuring electronic security systems. The paper, entitled ‘Selecting Electronic Security Systems: An Introduction’ is designed to aid security and facility managers of all types of buildings and premises.
Published by BRE Press, this guide is intended to introduce non-specialists responsible for electronic security systems, including installers, to issues they may encounter and to give basic information on the subject. It also gives an overview of organisations that provide oversight of installers and equipment.
The guide covers:
- intruder alarms
- automatic access control systems
- closed circuit television (CCTV)/video surveillance systems
- integrated systems, remote monitoring
- maintenance and false alarms
- product and service verification.
When selecting electronic security systems it is important to consider independent verification of products, such as that provided by LPCB, BRE Global states. LPCB – the Loss Prevention Certification Board – is the approval brand operated by BRE Global for fire and security products and services.
BRE says that third-party approved equipment will have been subject to independent testing, product audits and ongoing factory production control to ensure consistency in both the performance of the products and its manufacture.
‘Selecting Electronic Security Systems: An Introduction’ is available from: http://www.brebookshop.com/details.jsp?id=326859 price £9.50.