ISE: The Inside Scoop

Security Buyer catches up exclusively with Rachael Shattock, Event Director, International Security Expo to find out what to expect from this year’s show 

It is the 20th anniversary of International Security Expo (ISE), can we expect anything different this year to mark the occasion? 

This year we feel very lucky to be celebrating two decades of providing the critical link between Government, industry, academia and the entire end-user community. Many of our popular show features will return, including a jam-packed thought leadership programme, a number of exciting product announcements from exhibitors, as well as our specialist zones which will help attendees seek the suppliers and solutions most suited to their needs.  

We feel privileged to receive record levels of support from UK Government, demonstrating the continued and growing importance of the event. This year’s Government Zone is set to feature ACE, Border Force, British Transport Police, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) Services, Counter Terrorism Policing, UK Defence & Security Exports and many more.  

Further zones will include the Perimeter Protection Zone, International Risk & Resilience Zone and Drone & Counter UAV Zone. Across these Zones, and in our exciting Product Innovation Theatre, we’re looking forward to seeing a number of live, immersive demonstrations, helping to bring new solutions and technologies to life.  

Finally, this year visitors will also benefit from the show’s co-location with the industry’s newest cybersecurity expo: International Cyber Expo. In contrast to last year, it will have a dedicated hall and run as a standalone event. It intends to be a dynamic and inclusive event where business, innovation and education converge.  

What are some of the major themes that we can expect to be present at the show? 

One of the biggest and recurring themes that we anticipate we will see across the show floor as well as our high-level conference programme, is the pending Protect Duty legislation. Speakers at the International Security Conference and Global Counter Terror & Serious and Organised Crime Summit will be on hand to discuss the practical issues surrounding the implementation of the proposed legislation and its implications. 

Across both conferences, we’ll play host to some of the industry’s most knowledgeable personnel on the matter and individuals that have been pivotal to the progress achieved so far, including Figen Murray – mother of Martyn Hett, one of the 22 victims of the Manchester Arena attack – and Julian Platt, Deputy National Coordinator, Counter Terrorism Policing, PROTECT & PREPARE, NaCTSO and NCTPHQ. Few are better placed to cover the most recent aspects of the legislation and the next steps for fellow security professionals and businesses to be aware of. 

To read more news and exclusive features see our latest issue here.

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