Market Visit to Trinidad & Tobago and Jamaica Security Sector

Market Visit to Trinidad & Tobago and Jamaica Security Sector

Trinidad & Tobago and Jamaica are the two largest Market Visit to Trinidad & Tobago and Jamaica Security Sectorbuyers of goods and services in the Caribbean. Building a safer environment for citizens, visitors and businesses is central to the development plan for the region. This has been reflected in the increase in the consumption of security goods and services, providing unique opportunities for British security businesses.

Jamaica has a strong private security industry with 328 registered security companies and 1,039 new security officers.

Trinidad & Tobago is the second largest recipient of Foreign Direct Investment in the region, and is the base for many British firms, including BP.

The Ministry of National Security received 9.3 per cent of the Government of Jamaica’s budget creating new opportunities for UK security companies, including SMEs, that supply goods, services and expertise for:

• Security
• Government
• Energy sector
• Finance sector
• Defence
• General business

This Market Visit will introduce British businesses to unique opportunities in the region. It is certainly an opportunity not to be missed.


• Support from our International Trade Adviser before, during, and after the visit

• Profile your expertise, products and/or services to key buyers & distributors, ministries and agencies

• Vary your own agenda to pursue your own business interests

• Company details published in our Market Visit brochure

• Networking reception with Government officials in both countries

• Presentations from ministerial representatives

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