NW Systems launch the Education Security Advisory Programme

NW Systems launch the Education Security Advisory Programme

NW Systems appoints senior security experts and releases dedicated education 8-point security system checklist; helps institutions stay compliant and optimises safeguarding

NW Systems, a leading provider of surveillance systems and managed security services, has announced the launch of a dedicated Education Security Advisory Programme. It is designed to ensure the effectiveness of security systems; to help institutions comply with the latest regulation; and to support institutions in the battle against growing levels of crime in schools. The launch is marked by two new appointments and the release of an education security white paper and technical checklist to help schools, academies and colleges stay compliant in the face of upcoming regulations. The announcement comes after the news that over 1,300 weapons were seized from schools in 2016-17, representing a 20% year-on-year rise.

In its comprehensive white paper, NW Systems explores the challenges currently facing the education sector and the increasing use of security systems including CCTV surveillance technology and access control. The guide provides an insightful 8-point technical checklist, outlining best practice and compliance areas that education establishments in the secondary and tertiary sectors should be adhering to. The paper, offering an overview of the existing and upcoming legislation surrounding surveillance technology, also enables institutions to determine whether a health-check of their systems, processes and technology is needed from an industry specialist or a senior consultant.

The appointment of two senior consultants, Colin McKeown and Nigel Peers marks an initiative to drive cohesion between technology and knowledge to bolster safeguarding in schools, colleges and universities. With early experience as an ICT consultant in schools during the National Grid for Learning (NGfL) era, Colin brings over 25 years of experience in the education sector. He has an established background in ICT consultancy, having previously run the Schools & Colleges Education Team at Compaq and HP as well as managing a regional ICT services company. Colin believes in transforming security solutions into safeguarding aids, with past experience as a director of a leading Safeguarding Monitoring Service Provider. As Senior Consultant, Colin is responsible for understanding customer challenges, providing solutions that protect stakeholders while balancing funding and staff workload constraints.

Nigel Peers, with full teacher training status as well as a military background, brings vast strategic education expertise as a previous co-founder of a successful workplace compliance training company, responsible for security site surveys, vulnerability assessments and Security Industry Authority (SIA) training courses. Prior to joining NW Systems, Nigel also set about the transformation of security at one of the UK’s biggest tourist attractions. Working in close partnership with board and trustee-level, Nigel is responsible for helping organisations understand the latest regulations and ensure risks, threats and vulnerabilities are correctly identified. Through strategic planning support, Nigel optimises security solution delivery from mitigation to implementation, risk and incident management to business continuity and recovery.

Frank Crouwel, Managing Director of NW Systems comments:

“Safeguarding continues to rise up the agenda for schools, colleges and universities across the UK. Institutions have been making use of security systems as a support tool for some time, but many have failed to periodically review their infrastructure to ensure it remains both effective and compliant. With crime in schools once again on the agenda, many will be more dependent on these systems than ever before. We have launched the Education Security Advisory Programme to empower the sector with the technology, knowledge and education needed to make the most effective use of security technology. We hope this will enable organisations to effectively deal with issues from new regulations to growing data security concerns.”  

To find out more, download the newly released white paper from NW Systems for free: Security – A Need for Effective Risk Mitigation in Education.

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