‘Prove Guard Attendance in real time via GPRS’ using Itrac wireless biometric system from Bconnected


Itrac is a unique web-based staff monitoring system that has the ability to transform the way in which you manage off site personnel. Utilising the latest in Wireless and GPRS technology Itrac ‘breaks the chains’ of traditional staff monitoring systems requiring no network infrastructure to operate.

Security managers and guarding service providers can now track the movements of individual team members in real time, giving the highest possible control over both team efficiency and health & safety. Itrac is particularly beneficial where security personnel are working alone, or where there are larger teams on complex assignments with regular patrols to make.

Security officers are identified biometrically using wall-mounted fingerprint readers, authenticating the unique identity of the individual, the location and time stamp. This data is relayed over wireless cellular networks instantly to the Itrac data centre.

•             No more time consuming site visits to download data

•             Automated Timesheets, Payrolls & Spreadsheets

•             No more excessive administration costs and no more costly manual discrepancies

•             Independent validation of services to clients

•             To any on site security breach

•             Promotes high levels of Health & Safety for staff

•             Puts you in complete control of all events

•             Instant notification via SMS text in the event of a scheduled tour being late or missed altogether.

•             Proactive alerts can be scheduled to notify supervisor(s) or nominated staff of an up coming shift start/finish or routine check point due, providing a proactive service.

•             Fully automated timesheets, no more manual errors anddiscrepancies.

•             Comprehensive suite of reports providing accurate records of staff whereabouts, maximising staff performance.

•             REAL-TIME data allowing maximum response time to any missed or late activity, not only saving valuable time but also giving you peace of mind.

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