Public Safety Feature Sponsor – Paxton

The international security technology manufacturer, Paxton, offers a simple-to-use access control system, Net2, which can be useful tool to control energy consumption. Net2 is a straightforward PC based access control solution that is ideal for managing building access and is perfect for settings like hotels, offices, schools, hospitals, shops and factories. 

Chris Hodge, Functional Architect at Paxton, said: “Security systems do not consume much energy during standard operation, and they can be used to control activities on site to limit energy use, using Triggers and Actions. Using the standard events within the access control software, the systems can also be used to shut off power to equipment that is not in use. Therefore, they can help save energy to reduce environmental impact and save money on bills.” 

Triggers and Actions Enables Automated Events 

Net2 provides the Triggers and Actions feature, which are a series of rules that enable events within the system, help control users’ accessibility and manage integrated appliances. 

Steve Woodbridge, Paxton’s Global Training Manager, explained: “Facility managers can set ‘when the intruder alarm is armed’ as an event, so that when the system receives a signal that the event has happened, it will then trigger the action, which can be set as ‘switch off the lights’.  

“Occupancy Management in Net2 allows site managers to set occupancy level to zero. The feature works with Triggers and Actions, in which the rule can be set to turn off the lights when the occupancy level in a given area reaches zero.” 

Remote Site Management Save In-Person Visits 

The Paxton Connect app brings further convenience to the users. The app allows facility managers to remotely control their sites on smart devices from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.  

Steve said: “With Paxton Connect, building managers can monitor their sites instantly at the touch of a button. This can minimise the need to visit sites in person and save time and fuel by making system adjustments remotely. 

“These features make building management smarter and more efficient, helping to reduce energy wastage and save on bills.” 

Net2 Energy Saving Readers 

Paxton also manufactures Proximity Energy Saving Readers that can act like a power switch, to an individual appliance or all utilities in a given area. This can help save energy in a simple and automated way. 

Steve explained: “The readers are specially designed with a cover to retain a user’s card to turn the power on and off. The product can be installed in a way that power will only come when a valid user card is inserted. When a person leaves a room and takes out the card, the appliances such as lights and air conditioning will automatically turn off as it’s like switching off the main power. 

“The readers can also be connected to a single machine, perhaps those that consume a high-level of energy. This can ensure only the employees who are trained to use them, have access to start the machines, thus save energy when they are not in use.” 

Low Power Wireless Security 

If site managers are looking for an energy friendly, secure door handle, PaxLock Pro is the ideal solution. It is compatible with Net2 or work as a standalone security device. 

Chris Hodge said: “PaxLock Pro is a battery-run product and is efficiently designed to consume minimal energy to operate, for which the batteries generally last around two years. 

“PaxLock Pro will enter a sleep mode when not in use, requiring minimal energy. Built-in capacitive sensors wake the unit when operation is required, and a user’s token is presented. This minimises energy consumption, especially at night or over weekends when the handles are in less use.” 

Visit Paxton’s website to find out more about how their system and products can help manage building access and control energy usage. 

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