PureTech Systems provides surveillance for water facility

PrimaWaterWater is one of our most important natural resources. This is especially true for those living within Arizona’s Sonoran desert. Protecting this natural resource has always been one of the guiding strategies for PureTech Systems, and this was further reflected with the recent installation of its PureActiv® geospatial video surveillance software at several wastewater facilities for the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (RWRD).

The locations utilizing the new technology include the Avra Valley WRF, WES Center and Tres Rios WRF facilities. All three facilities are located in Tucson, AZ. The systems, installed by system integrators CS Technologies, APL Access & Security, and Westover Corporation, comprise multiple security technologies aimed at protecting the perimeter and critical assets of these water reclamation facilities. The installations feature the PureActiv® geospatial video analytics and introduce PureTech’s most recent third party capability; an integration with the OnSSI Video management software.

The systems boast PureActiv® geospatial video analytics for intrusion detection on thermal cameras manufactured by both Axis and FLIR.  The installation also provides visible light CCTV cameras monitored via the ONSSI system. The systems are deployed in a server-based architecture and are responsible for intrusion protection at all three facilities. In the event of an intrusion, metadata associated with the alarm is sent electronically to the ONSSI VMS system for subsequent alarm and display to the end user. The RWRD video surveillance security system is monitored 24/7 in the new Tres Rios Operational Control Center (OCC).

The Pima County RWRD is responsible for 9 water reclamation facilities within Pima County. RWRD is a significant producer of effluent/reclaimed water in eastern Pima County and a major steward of the groundwater and aquifer recovery in southern Arizona. “Pima County RWRD has a solid understanding of its security needs,” explained Kevin Haeberle sales manager at PureTech Systems. “PureTech Systems is based in the desert of Arizona, so the selection to use our PureActiv® video analytics to protect these facilities is very rewarding given our first-hand reliance and understanding of this valuable natural resource.”



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