The number of crimes recorded by police in England and Wales fell by 6% in the year to end of December 2010.
All types of recorded crime fell, except sexual offences and some types of theft, up by 3% and 1% respectively.
Violence recorded by police fell 6%. But there were contradictory figures on whether the number of home burglaries had risen or gone down.
The figures continue a general trend of falling crime and rising confidence in police.
The government uses two methods to measure crime: offences recorded by police forces and the British Crime Survey, which asks people about their experiences, rather than just what they report.
According to the figures for the 12 months to the end of December, the BCS found that overall crime fell by 3% compared with the previous year. The BCS found no significant change in the rate of violence.
Police recorded a 17% fall in criminal damage and a 12% fall in vehicle crime, typically car break-ins. Police figures also showed a 1% fall in robberies.
Read the full story: BBC News
Related link: Home Office