Phone: 0191 296 32 42
Address: 7 – 9 Earsdon Road, West Monkseaton, Whitley Bay, Tyne & Wear, NE25 9SX

The Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board (SSAIB) is the leading certification body for organisations providing security systems and services, fire detection and alarm systems, telecare systems and services, manned security services and monitoring services.
SSAIB is a Security Industry Authority (SIA) approved certification body – in respect of the SIA Approved Contractors Scheme – that operates within the UK. We also offer certification for firms based in the Republic of Ireland as well.
Founded in 1994, the SSAIB is a company limited by guarantee, operating on a not-for-profit basis. It promotes high standards of service and is focused on serving the certification needs of organisations providing security and safety related services.
Certification with SSAIB is a mark of excellence. Our approach is inclusive of small and larger providers alike and we have some 1,600 companies of all sizes on our register, which means that we represent the greatest number of security service providers in the sector.
Third-party certification plays an increasingly important role in enabling firms to compete in the marketplace and access to some market sectors may be conditional on having third-party certification.
Through participation at National and European level, SSAIB helps to shape standards – being informed and informing others of issues that might impact upon service providers and end users.
We continue to review the range of schemes we offer, to ensure that they meet the needs of both the market place and registered firms. Our schemes both serve and rely upon good working relationships with a number of influential groups within the sectors in which we operate, not least the Police, Fire services, insurers and industrial and commercial clients.
SSAIB’s schemes comply with all Police policies (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic) and insurers – often as a condition of their underwriting – place particular demands on security and fire safety system providers. In the event of an incident, insurers will need to be satisfied that all reasonable precautions have been taken to mitigate risk.
The costs associated with losses in the aftermath of an incident are not just limited to the immediate losses – as such incidents often lead to longer term consequential losses to the business. Using a certificated provider should minimise the likelihood of such events and demonstrate that all reasonable steps have been taken.

Big interview – Alex Carmichael
Security Buyer talks exclusively to Alex Carmichael, Chief Executive, SSAIB, to find out the ins and outs

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