Unique multifunctional device tackles identity fraud and immigration crime
New Greenbox ™ technology from Ascot Business Solutions satisfies every aspect of organisational compliance to stringent legal requirements for identity verification. The device provides complete digital data capture in a single unit, including paper documents, passport, finger prints, photographs and signatures.
With tough financial penalties if legal requirements are not followed, it is imperative that organisations follow the letter of the law with regard to financial propriety, adherence to Disclosure and Barring processes and pre-employment screening procedures to comply with Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Acts. An innovative collection of biometric and document capture equipment within the Greenbox ™ device ensures that compliance is achieved via an efficient, user-friendly and cost effective solution.digital capture super-easy, the innovative Greenbox ™ 5001 multi-functional input device captures digital records by importing data via 5 routes:
- Document Scanner
- – captures all sizes of physical and identity documents including driver’s licence and passport
- Fingerprint Scanner
- – importing biometric fingerprint data from a large area pad
- Digital Signature Pad
- – accurate and sensitive to an individual’s own signature style of speed and pressure
- Smart Card Reader
- – EMV compliant
Digital Camera – 20 megapixels, 640 x 480 resolution for high quality ID photography
Incorporating high quality technology from reputable brands, and very compact, at only 160mm x 350mm, Greenbox ™ 5001 document scanning functionality generates digital records of supporting documentation, eliminating the need to make photocopies and provides an instantly accessible reference file. Easy and portable access is achieved via a USB drive and a digital screen is incorporated to facilitate presentation of advertising or customer messages. Greenbox ™has been extensively proven in South Africa and is now available in the UK exclusively from Ascot
Business Solutions.
Financial Services, Education, Healthcare, Retail, Human Resources and Recruitment, Telecommunications and Local and National Government organisations are all set to benefit from the introduction of Greenbox ™ 5001. In fact, any organisation that requires access to speedy and reliable customer data for credit applications, student and customer enrolment, identity checks and supply chain control will find the Greenbox ™ 5001 the perfect solution. Providing secure document storage, reference and retrieval at the touch of a button, users will benefit from:
- Paperless transactions
- Verification of an individual’s identity (with Greenform™ software)
- Full audit trail of verification process
- Reduced carbon footprint
- Reduced stationary and printing costs
- Real-time availability of electronic records
- Reduced transaction and process times
Elimination of the management, transport and storage of paper records
The Greenbox ™ 5001 is available in the UK only from Ascot Solutions and is available to purchase along with its partner software Greenform™ and high quality service package. The solutions offer exceptional value to alternative methods of data collection.