uWatch renews membership with SBD

uWatch is the latest company to renew their membership with Secured by Design (SBD), the official police security initiative.

The uWatch Cube is accredited by SBD, having achieved Police Preferred Specification.  The Cube is a small, portable and smart, battery powered crime prevention device that notifies you when a crime is in progress via an alert to your smartphone.

The Cube is instantly deployable, does not require Wi-Fi or mains power and has a range of sensors, GPS and a day/night camera to keep an eye on the things, even in the most remote and rural environments. It includes 12 months unlimited data on a roaming sim and works in any country where there is a 2g GSM signal.

The Cube is already at the forefront of fighting rural crime and currently operates in numerous other markets including pest control, home monitoring, shipping containers, vans, caravans, boats and much more.

You can find out more about uWatch and their SBD accredited uWatch Cube here: https://www.securedbydesign.com/member-companies/sbd-members?view=companydetail&account=0011i00000Jpw3bAAB

Louis Bennett project manager at uWatch, said: “Basically the Cube is a computer and we are continually developing its software to address more and more applications.  Organised crime is very tech savvy and we need to make more effective use of the common technology we have available, and to this end we have some very interesting developments in the pipeline that will improve its effectiveness even further for the rural community”.

SBD Development Officer Doug Skins said: “I am delighted that uWatch have renewed their membership with Secured by Design.  The uWatch Cube is a versatile piece of kit which gives you instant notifications of any potential crimes.

cube in tripod white

“The recent Rural Crime Report published by NFU Mutual reports an almost 9% rise in the cost of rural crime, driven by the theft of high value machinery such as tractors, farm vehicles and quad bikes. uWatch has worked with police forces across the country to tackle this issue, with the uWatch Cube being well suited to work in remote rural environments”.

SBD is owned by the UK Police Service with the specific aim to reduce crime and help people live more safely.

SBD seek to improve the physical security of buildings using products, such as doors, windows, locks and walling systems that meet the SBD Police Preferred Specification security requirements.

In addition, SBD work closely with builders, developers, local authorities and registered housing associations to incorporate the police crime prevention standards into developments from initial concept and design, through to construction and completion. Police forces throughout the UK have specially trained Designing Out Crime Officers (DOCOs) who offer police designing out crime and SBD advice free of charge. Over one million homes have been built to SBD standards with reductions in crime of up to 87%.

SBD have many partner organisations, ranging from the Home Office, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government through to local authorities, housing associations, developers and manufacturers and work closely with standards and certification bodies.

SBD developed a product based accreditation scheme over 20 years ago – the Police Preferred Specification, which provides a recognised standard for all security products that can deter and reduce crime. SBD work with manufacturers and standards authorities to ensure that security standards are current and updated to keep pace with emerging crime trends.

There are currently many hundreds of companies producing thousands of attack resistant crime prevention products, across over 30 different crime categories, which have achieved Police Preferred Specification.

SBD is the only way for companies to obtain police recognition for security-related products in the UK.


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