Inaugural dinner for chartered security professionals is a sell-out

csyp logoOne of the newest and smallest Chartered Registers celebrated in the biggest style with one hundred and twenty security professionals and their guests attending a formal dinner at the House of Lords on Friday 22nd March.

The event, arranged to mark the success of the Register, also provided an opportunity to introduce the quality its represents to other organisations that are impacted by the security profession, who will benefit from the gold standard that the Register represents.

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The bitterly cold weather and rain could not dampen the warm welcome from host and CSPRA Chairman Lord Carlile CBE QC. The pre-dinner drinks reception was soon buzzing as twenty seven Chartered Security Professionals attended with their partners and guests, including the Earl of Erroll; Ian Townsend, Director of the BIFM; Anthony Browne, CEO of the British Bankers Association; Adrian Leppard, Commissioner of the City of London Police; and the Acting Chair of the SIA, Bill Matthews.

The Security Institute organised the event on behalf of the Register and was well represented by Chairman Mike Bluestone CSyP, Vice-Presidents Rt. Hon Bruce George, Stewart Kidd CSyP and Bill Wyllie CSyP, Advisory Board member Baroness Ruth Henig DL, both Institute Vice-Chairmen Garry Evanson CSyP and Emma Shaw CSyP, and the Registrar charged with admitting the successful Register applicants, David Gill CSyP. Many other Institute members also attended, some having travelled from Norway, Malta, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

In 2010 the establishment of the Register was granted by Royal Charter to the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals and since then WCoSP Past-Masters Peter French MBE and Don Randall MBE have worked closely with the Institute to support its ongoing development. They both attended the dinner, alongside Worshipful Company representatives Group Captain Brian Hughes FSyI, Senior Warden and Barrie Stewart FSyI, Middle Warden.

An international delegation from the Dubai Police Academy was led by Major General Dr. Mohammed Ahmed bin Fahad, and included Lt. Col. Nasser Kazim, Director of the International Centre for Security and Safety, Dubai Police Academy. The Dubai Police Academy previously co-hosted the Institute’s first overseas security forum in February, and presentations to mark that occasion were made by the Major General and Mike Bluestone. Prior to the dinner a Memorandum of Understanding had been signed between the two organisations, underpinning the aim of mutual cooperation of security professionals operating across the UAE and UK.

Other security sector supporters present included Mike Alexander FSyI, the Chairman of ASIS Chapter 208, which has just been appointed as the second licensed organisation authorised to admit Chartered Security Professionals; Guy Mathias FSyI, the Chairman of the Pharmaceutical Industry Security Forum; Peter Finch CSyP, the Chairman of the National Association for Healthcare Security; Roy Cooper of Professional Security magazine and Twenty13 Conference; and Brian Sims, Hon FSyI of IFSEC Global.

Prior to dinner certificates of admittance were presented to ten new Chartered Security Professionals. Successful Registrants were: Steve Goad CSyP of Capitol One (Europe), Nick Hymans CSyP of Credit Suisse Securities (Europe), Chris Lawrence CSyP of Carillion (TPS Consult), Larry Handy CSyP of Burberry, David Matthews CSyP of Babcock Dyncorp, Lt. Col. Mike Roddy MBE CSyP – a serving Royal Marines officer based in Whitehall, Wg. Cdr. Andy Bunce CSyP – a serving RAF officer based at RAF Wyton, Lt. Col. Nasser Kazim CSyP of the Dubai Police Academy, Adil Abdel-Hadi CSyP of Shield Security Services, and David Rubens CSyP of David Rubens Associates.

The event, a sell-out weeks beforehand, was generously sponsored by Kings Security Systems, Bradford, and PD Ports Teesport, Middlesbrough – their northern roots not being missed by Lord Carlile, having himself been brought up in Lancashire.

Lord Carlile gave an overview of the Register and acknowledged it had attracted successful Registrants from not only the UK but also from Australia, Canada, UAE and USA. He also shared some of his experiences of the House of Lords. Bill Matthews spoke about the challenges that lay ahead for the continued professionalisation of the private security sector. Adil Abdel-Hadi, speaking on behalf of Major General Dr. Mohammed Ahmed bin Fahad, spoke very positively on the International aspect of the Register, and Angus Darroch-Warren CSyP represented the views of fellow CSyPs, encouraging all to spread the word of the benefit and credibility that admittance to the Register brings.


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