3,800 cyber-attacks on the smart home daily: IT and cyber-security solutions for smart buildings at the Intersec Forum

50 billion items of IoT equipment and 3,800 cyber-attacks on the smart home every day: these are the figures which experts in IT and cyber security deal with when considering the development of solutions for smart and secure buildings in the future. At the Intersec Forum the developers, providers and users of connected security technology in building automation will be joining the discussion. The speakers – about 80 in number – will come from Germany, France, Great Britain, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Israel and the USA. The conference will be taking place on five days from 19 to 23 March 2018 in Frankfurt am Main, at the same time as Light + Building, leading international trade fair for lighting and building services technology.


Buildings are becoming digital. Connected security and building-technology equipment promise greater security, convenience and economy. In the smart home and the smart building intelligent sensors and algorithms will produce data which is ever more available world-wide via the internet. The speed of this development is breath-taking: if in 2008, according to IT manufacturer Cisco, the number of units connected with the internet already exceeded the number of people on earth, estimates by Cisco and international consultancy Gartner suggest that in 2030 an unimaginable 20 to 50 billion “things” will be linked on the Internet of Things (IoT).*


For security technology this development means a shift in paradigms. Up till now, strictly separated systems have opened and communicated via numerous interfaces with other equipment. The dataflow runs increasingly via the building’s generally utilised data channels and via the internet. Strong IT and cyber security is therefore a sine qua non if security systems are to be protected against unwanted repercussions from the net and deliberate cyber-attacks.


The pressure from the market is high, both as regards the intended benefit and the estimate of risk. Thus, remote inspection of hazard-detection systems via the internet is a reality even now, and there is a strong demand for it. On the other hand, 74 percent of German companies see in cyber-attacks the biggest risk for their own IT, says the Cisco Security Study (2017). Researchers at the IT security specialist Sophos (2017) registered up to 3,800 unauthorised access attempts at a smart home which they had constructed especially for this purpose.


The legislators have already reacted to the foreseeable threats. The IT Security Act for operators of critical infrastructures has provided an initial legal framework. The new coalition agreement between the CDU, CSU and SPD parties has also announced a “Seal of Quality for IT Security” and a second IT Security Act. “It is becoming more and more important for building and security technology to define basic cyber security for their equipment and systems and to set it out in fixed standards. For the pressure from users and from the government will increase further”, says Lukas Linke, expert in cyber security at the Association for Security in the Central Association of the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Industries (ZVEI – Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V.) and speaker at the coming conference.


IT and cyber security at the Intersec Forum 2018

IT and cyber security will be the main subjects on the first day of the conference (19 March). It will be opened in the morning by Hessian Minister of the Interior and Sport Peter Beuth, BSI President Arne Schönbohm, ZVEI President Michael Ziesemer, and member of the Siemens management board Dr. Roland Busch, all of whom will be giving talks, along with further speakers. Michael Boos of BSI, Philipp Rothmann, senior manager at dhpg IT Services, Lukas Linke, expert in cyber security at the Security Association in the ZVEI, and Dr. Nicolas Krämer, managing director Neuss Lukas Clinic, will be showing how the risks for security-related building networking, stemming from the dark world of IT and cyber-crime, can be effectively counteracted.


At the Messe Frankfurt Intersec Forum from 19 to 23 March 2018 some 80 experts from industry, the academic world and government will be discussing the development and application of connected security technology in the intelligent buildings of tomorrow. The speakers will come from Germany, France, Great Britain, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Israel and the USA. The talks will be available to participants at the conference in German and English (simultaneous translation). On the evening of the third conference day (Wednesday, 21 March) the organiser, Messe Frankfurt, and its joint partners, the Central Association for the Electrical and Electronic Industries (ZVEI), are inviting participants to a get-together at the conference area in Hall 9.1 (Stand E90).


Under the title “Security meets Smart Building: Digitalisation and security in the building of the future”, the Intersec Forum meets annually and in parallel with leading trade fairs Light + Building and ISH. In March 2018 (19 – 23) the Intersec Forum will have its venue in the immediate environment of Light + Building, leading international trade fair for lighting and building services technology in Hall 9.1. With its new special show, “Secure – Connected Security in Buildings”, the Intersec Forum and some 150 providers from the building-automation and security-technology segments, Hall 9.1 will form the centre of integrated building technology. Moreover, leading manufacturers of security technology and house and building automation will be showing their innovations in the Fair & Exhibition Centre’s other halls. Information on Light + Building from 18 to 23 March 2018 at: www.light-building.com


The Intersec Forum will be occupying the fair days from Monday to Friday. Participation in the conference is included in the price of the visitor’s ticket to Light + Building. Registration of participants will take place on the spot in Hall 9.1. You will find further information on the Intersec Forum from 19 to 23 March 2018 (Monday to Friday) in Hall 9.1 at: www.intersec-forum.com and at www.intersec-forum.com/twitter.

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