Allevate recently announced the launch of its Face-Searcher service, enabling organisations, large or small, to utilise facial recognition as a hosted cloud service. Additionally, Facewatch, the secure online crime reporting system, announces immediate availability of an integrated Facewatch and Face-Searcher offering, launching initially in Brazil. Facewatch enables organisations to report crimes online and submit moving and still CCTV images as evidence to the police, as well as share this imagery between businesses in related subscribed groups (in compliance with Data Protection guidelines) to reduce crime. Allevate’s Face-Searcher service enables organisations to utilise facial recognition as a hosted cloud service. It requires minimal capital outlay, incorporates advanced, world-class face recognition technology and eliminates the need to install or maintain a complicated software infrastructure or related compute platform on your premises. The Face-Searcher Edge component detects and crops faces from your CCTV cameras and submits them to the cloud-service for matching. Facewatch subscribers can now instantly and automatically share their images of Subjects of Interest to Face-Searcher’s watchlists, thereby allowing real-time watchlist alerting to any device connected to Facewatch’s integrated alert management system. Simon Gordon, of Facewatch, says “A major factor that has hindered the wide-scale adoption of face recognition by business has been the requirement to install and manage costly and complex software. Allevate’s cloud-hosted SaaS offering removes this headache and enables businesses to benefit from the accuracy of the industry’s best face recognition algorithms in a cloud-enabled shared-services environment with a simple easy to understand monthly subscription fee.” This integrated offering can now help businesses prevent crime by warning them if someone who enters their premises is on a watchlist of known offenders.
Carl Gohringer, of Allevate, continues “The best face-recognition technology in the world is useless unless businesses have accurate and reliable subject matter to match against. Facewatch has already proven invaluable in enabling businesses to seamlessly interact with their local police. Now, they can co-operate by sharing this same imagery amongst their local business groups.” Face-Searcher is built on the industry-proven enterprise-grade MXSERVERTM platform enabling automated facial detection and recognition, developed by Tygart Technology, Inc. MXSERVERTM is the only biometric search engine on the market designed to handle Big Data (processing massive amounts of photos and videos) by leveraging a cloud-based architecture for faster parallel processing of services. MXSERVERTM is proven and utilised by Defence, Intelligence and Law Enforcement organisations and has also been used to enhance security at major events, such as the 2015 European Games, a major international sporting event. This integrated offering is being made available in Brazil by our local partner, Staff Security Ltd. Humberto Bambira, of Staff Security, says “We have been developing this exciting opportunity for the mass market rollout of facial recognition in Brazil with Facewatch for two years and I am delighted to see the launch of the service.” Article published in Security NewsDesk |