Axis reveals 23% sales growth during third quarter of 2013

Axis 200x300Axis Communications have reported a 23 per cent increase in net sales in the third quarter of 2013 in their latest interim report.

The company’s financial data for January to September 2013 showed net sales hit SEK 1,322m ($206.7m) in the third quarter – a 23 per cent increase year-on-year. Operating profit increased to SEK 258m ($40m) and profit after tax amounted to SEK 200m ($31.3m).

Net sales for January to September increased by 14 per cent year-on-year during the period, to SEK 3,418m ($534.6m), with operating profit increasing to SEK 474m ($74m) and profit after tax at SEK 362m ($56.6m).

Ray Mauritsson, President at Axis Communications, said: “A good performance in all three regions contributed to sales growth of 23 per cent during the third quarter. The period was characterized by very strong growth in Asia and EMEA, while demand in the Americas remains stable.

“In September, an access control system was presented on the market. By combining our technical know-how and strong partner network, we are now broadening our offer within network solutions. The release will initially take place in the US but the product will be introduced in other markets in the future.

“During the period, we continued to note a stable trend in the number of new project inquiries. We estimate that the underlying demand is in line with previous quarters.”

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