
Exploring Radar and Thermal camera deployment

360 Vision Technology, the UK manufacturer of rugged PTZ and thermal imaging cameras, will be promoting the application and deployment of radar and thermal imaging at Security Summit 2021, one of the largest virtual security industry events in Europe. Scheduled for 11.30-12.00 (GMT), Wednesday May 5th, the free-to-attend live virtual keynote presentation will be given by 360 Vision’s technology expert, Tony Holloway, on the subject of ‘The application of radar and thermal surveillance technologies for large area security detection.’ In his keynote speech, Tony will discuss the technology, performance differences and considerations for the deployment of radar and thermal detection cameras suitable for large area surveillance applications.  Underpinned by the science behind the solutions, Tony will explore the features and limits, to enable attendees to clearly identify applications for successful deployment. “Following the recent success of our technology learning webinars, we are delighted to have been offered  the opportunity to deliver a technology keynote speech at the Security Summit Virtual Event,” says Sara Fisher, Sales Director at 360 Vision Technology. “In Tony’s presentation, he’ll be looking at how radar and thermal imaging can be successfully specified for use in a variety of large area applications. The presentation will be highly beneficial for anyone interested in deploying a surveillance capability that offers immediate and reliable detection, with simultaneous alert and visual verification.” To register for 360 Vision’s free-to-attend Security Summit 2021 keynote presentation (at 11.30-12.00 GMT, Wednesday May 5th), please use the following link:   To stay up to date on the latest, trends, innovations, people news and company updates within the global security market please register to receive our newsletter here. Media contact Rebecca Morpeth Spayne, Editor, Security Portfolio Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922 Email:

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Vemotion report a surge in streaming video surveillance applications

Vemotion Interactive, the UK manufacturer of low-latency, high-performance, live video streaming solutions for systems integrators and OEM solutions providers, reports that over the past 12 months, trends in streaming live video have accelerated, and the company has seen an increase in demand for its mobile and rapid deployment CCTV camera solutions. Delivering ultra-low latency, high-resolution live streaming HD video transmission over GPRS, 3G, 4GLTE, 5G, Wi-Fi and Satellite networks, Vemotion’s range of low bandwidth video streaming products provide live video surveillance solutions for mobile, rapid deployment, temporary, or permanent deployment CCTV video surveillance applications. Over the last year, Vemotion’s public sector business has remained robust, and the mix of local authorities, emergency services, government agencies and military sectors have all been extremely busy throughout the period. “Several project decisions were delayed initially but we have seen activity really pick-up latterly,” confirms says Steve Haworth, CEO at Vemotion. “Private sector projects have been much more mixed, and many are now starting to look at video streaming as ways to be more efficient and flexible.” The ability to install cameras in an area of specific interest, whether for temporary deployment or fixed; to monitor crime hot-spots for drugs observation, persistent vandalism, fly-tipping or neighbourhood nuisances, has seen a noticeable uptake. With Vemotion’s ultra-low latency encoders/cameras ability to be deployed beyond the economical reach of existing fixed CCTV networks, Steve puts the noticeable uptake down to: “Agencies wanting to maximise their surveillance budgets and efficiency, in essence, to be more proactive at capturing off-grid incidents rather than missing events. “More and more integrators are building Vemotion’s smaller, lighter and more powerful encoders into PTZ cameras on the edge or running Vemotion streaming software on mobile devices. The simple integration of our streaming encoders and software makes it very easy to capture live high-quality video footage as it unfolds, and alongside the use of video analytics, busy control rooms can be automatically alerted to activity without the need for constant human monitoring. This provision provides ‘eyes on the ground’ and the vital intelligence for organisations to make faster and more informed decisions to drive better outcomes.” Using Vemotion’s range of encoders, customers can live stream and control, low latency surveillance camera video footage from anywhere, without the need for wired infrastructures. “Integrators and organisations are developing new solutions to a raft of common problems,” Steve explains. “For example, we’re seeing the Vemotion VB-35 encoder allied to facial and face mask recognition being deployed across many applications. The use of compact, lightweight Vemotion encoders to provide live mobile video on drones for search and rescue operations has really escalated, to provide quicker and cheaper airborne search capability vs the traditional expensive helicopter alternative.”   To stay up to date on the latest, trends, innovations, people news and company updates within the global security market please register to receive our newsletter here. Media contact Rebecca Morpeth Spayne, Editor, Security Portfolio Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922 Email:

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Video Surveillance: Intelligent video analytics

Intelligent video surveillance connected systems have become part of the norm, so how can deep learning benefit security systems? IDIS recently launched the latest tech-explainer eBook – The Benefits of Deep Learning Driven Intelligent Video Analytics. The eBook explores how a new generation of AI video solutions is delivering better security, safety, operational efficiency and business intelligence. The eBook, which can be downloaded now from the IDIS website, reflects the company’s commitment to supporting its systems integrator partners as they focus on delivering advanced video solutions into growth sectors.  In recent years, the terms ‘intelligent’ and ‘artificial intelligence (AI)’ have been applied to many different types of security systems, but without agreement on what AI means, says IDIS, so it’s important to understand that not all solutions are designed to the same standard or deliver equal value. This is despite the fact that 71% of security professionals report that AI video analytics already provides value to their operations or that they expect it to in the future, according to the IFSEC Global Video Surveillance Report 2020, which analysed feedback from over 700 security respondents globally. The new eBook explains some of the differences between conventional Binary Large OBject ‘BLOB’ analytics (found in most modern network cameras and relatively prone to false-alarm triggers caused by environmental factors) and more powerful deep learning technologies.  But video analytics capability has moved considerably beyond this. Today security departments can take advantage of deep learning that leverages neural networks made up of multiple layers of algorithms and advanced processing. This is now driving what is widely accepted to mean true intelligent video analytics. Deep learning engines are ‘trained’ using vast datasets of images and video footage of people, objects, and vehicles. They can ‘look for’ size, shape, speed, and directional information, and they continue to learn while in use. To an extent, deep learning replicates the way neurons work in the brain: it can analyse and prioritise input from video data to` decide which inputs are of value, and it will notify security operatives accordingly. These newest generation AI solutions leverage neural networks made up of multiple layers of algorithms and advanced processing, and can be more accurately called ‘intelligent’ video analytics.  Deep learning’s real value comes from its ability to detect events of interest and distinguish these from video data input which is just ‘noise’. But some caution is still needed, warns IDIS: deep learning video solutions can still disappoint if the engines and algorithms that drive them are not fully trained and able to recognise objects reliably and accurately. By contrast, effective deep learning video analytics can deliver multiple benefits, from preventing ‘alarm overload’ in busy security control rooms, to freeing up personnel resources and enabling security provision to be better focused. Metadata search functions also allow users to benefit from advanced interrogation of single and multiple cameras, speeding up investigations and automatically locating objects or people of interest. The eBook also outlines how AI video can support efficient return-to-work strategies and ensure COVID-secure facilities and workplaces using highly accurate analytics for face mask detection, social distancing adherence, people counting, and occupancy monitoring. Guidance is also provided for systems integrators, demonstrating how the same functionality will deliver value beyond the pandemic, with benefits such as facilities and workspace optimisation, and actionable insights particularly for the retail and hospitality sectors.  “The best AI offerings today add value for customers by providing useful business intelligence and rapidly increasing productivity and efficiency,” says Andrew Myung, President, IDIS America. “This new eBook explains how systems integrators can get past the jargon to support end-users, building a compelling business case that addresses both immediate priorities and demonstrates long-term return on investment.” False alarms The first section of the report details how to overcome challenges from false alarms. The 2020 IFSEC Global Video Surveillance report cited reducing false alarms as the #1 reason for adopting AI – and for good reason. Traditional blob type analytics cameras are prone to being triggered by environmental factors, such as heavy rain, snow, or moving foliage, and struggle to distinguish a human presence, which may present a threat, from harmless animal activity. For users, this can result in time being wasted investigating the cause of alarms, and the larger the site, or more overstretched the system operator, the worse that problem can be. ‘Alarm overload’ is a common problem. Operators can quickly become desensitised by false alarms and can start missing genuine threats, or even be tempted to shut off the system. Alarm receiving centers and virtual guarding firms typically increase charges for more frequent call outs and they may even withdraw monitoring services from problematic sites until cameras are re-configured or replaced.  This can result in organisations needing to draft in additional security officers, to maintain protection, or risk leaving gaps in security. Over time, many organisations find it infeasible to maintain systems that are prone to false alarms. The solution? By moving to deep learning-based analytics, customers can attain improved situational awareness, with highly accurate AI-assisted notifications for intrusion, object, loitering, and unusual event detection. Security operators will be better able to manage everyday events, and respond to more serious threats and emergencies. In short, safety and security are enhanced by better detection and verification. Unlike human brains, deep learning engines don’t get tired. They can constantly monitor multiple camera streams in search of suspicious behavior, maintaining performance levels even in the busiest scenes such as retail malls, logistics centers, higher education settings, and outdoor spaces. Relying on human operators to monitor multiple cameras means hiring enough staff to cope and allowing for regular breaks to ensure they stay alert.  Using AI-assisted notifications free-up operators from having to constantly monitor multiple camera streams and video walls. Instead, they can respond quickly and flexibly, and not just from the control room. They can configure alarms to be received to client software, and on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, giving the ability to verify and respond to events on the

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Robust demand from Law Enforcement agencies

Public safety software is high in demand owing to stringent laws laid down by law enforcement agencies across regions. Despite COVID-19 putting the brakes on manufacturing processes and several end-use sectors such as courts, in 2020, risks from natural disasters and terrorist attacks are creating new challenges for manufacturers. The new edition of the public safety software market study by an ESOMAR-certified market research and consulting firm reassesses previous findings, updating forecasts after consider the COVID-19 pandemic impact. According to the study, rising demand from municipal police departments, law enforcement agencies, and courts will be the major driving factor for public safety software sales over the coming years, with computer-aided dispatch solutions, jail management solutions, and incident management solutions witnessing a spike in demand. Key Takeaways from Study The global public safety software market to surge at close to 30% CAGR through 2031 Computer-aided dispatch solutions remain the top-selling software Law enforcement agencies to emerge as key end user Cloud-based deployment to account for increase in sales The United States to lead in the world’s largest public safety software industry – North America China, followed by India, to hold the major share of the fastest-growing APEJ (Asia Pacific Except Japan) market Germany to lead in the Europe public safety software space The United Kingdom, France, Canada, Japan, and Italy to remain in the limelight “With increase in cyber risks and threats, various public safety software solutions such as computer-aided dispatch solutions, record management solutions, and mobile police software solutions are gaining rapid traction. Adoption of stricter policies by law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and other key end users is projected to surge adoption,” says a report analyst. Rise in Cyber Risks and Attacks Boosting Market Growth With rise in security threats, adoption of public safety software by diverse end-use sectors such as district attorneys, municipal police departments, and courts has become imperative. In March 2018, Europol, the European Union’s agency for law enforcement cooperation, announced the arrest of a suspected leader of a cybercrime ring that targeted over 100 financial institutions in more than 40 countries, resulting in over 1 billion Euros in losses. The FBI has taken its ‘Cyber Strategy’ with a goal to change the behavior of  individuals and nation-states who believe they can compromise U.S. networks, steal financial and intellectual property, and put critical infrastructure at risk, without facing risk themselves. Such initiatives will positively impact the sales of public safety software over the coming years. Who is winning in this space? With the competition getting stronger, key players in the global public safety software market is adopting strategic approaches along with launching broader range of products in order to sustain their positions. For instance, Spillman Technology, Inc. launched its new range of public safety software solutions such as Spillman Computer-Aided Dispatch, Spillman Records Management, and others, during the last 5 years. DF Labs SPA launched its new range of products such as IncMan SOAR and others, a couple of years back. These insights are based on a report on Public Safety Software Market by Fact.MR.   To stay up to date on the latest, trends, innovations, people news and company updates within the global security market please register to receive our newsletter here. Media contact Rebecca Morpeth Spayne, Editor, Security Portfolio Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922 Email:

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Safer Streets Fund 2021-22 launched

Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (Police CPI) will be providing another round of support to the Government’s latest crime-busting Safer Streets Fund initiative, which was launched at the end of last week. This second, £20m round of the Safer Streets Fund aims to build upon the momentum instilled by the first round of funding, offering Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and Local Authorities the opportunity to invest in new hotspot areas. Safer Streets Fund 2021-22 will maintain a number of the core characteristics of the fund that have made it a success to date, whilst making minor strategic changes such as allowing local authority led bids. For 2021-22, a total fund of £20 million has been set, with a maximum of £432,000 grant funding per successful bid. There is a requirement for a 20% matched funding contribution towards the bid, which can be provided as a financial contribution, or the equivalent of 20% in resourcing costs, e.g. staff/officer time. Bidders will also have flexibility to use the matched funding contributions for a wider range of supplementary activity to their bid, e.g. officer resource in a hotspot. Police CPI will be providing technical guidance to help PCCs, Local Authorities and DOCOs deliver on the new objectives, which focus the fund onto four neighbourhood crime types – burglary, robbery, theft from the person, vehicle crime.  Safer Streets Fund 2021-22 allows investment into commercial and non-residential areas as well, such as car parks and city centres. Wider acquisitive crime types (e.g. shoplifting and bike theft) will be considered as secondary outcomes, as will things like anti-social behaviour, violence, drug and alcohol related crime. Three priority bids per PCC area can be submitted, regardless of the lead bidder and PCCs will decide on prioritisation and be required to sign off any Local Authority led bids. The deadline for bids is midnight on 25 March 2021. Bidders will be informed whether they are successful by the end of May 2021. Police CPI support for the Safer Streets Fund includes five ‘How to’ crime prevention guides, Peer Reviews of fifteen police forces approach to acquisitive crime prevention and the provision of adhoc advice & guidance to forces having difficulties with delivering specific interventions. Jon Cole, Chief Operating Officer, Police CPI, said: “I am delighted that we can continue to support PCCs, local authorities and police forces in their delivery of the Safer Streets Fund bids”. The updated Safer Streets Fund crime prevention toolkit can be accessed here – Further details about applying to the Safer Streets Fund are available here – The 2020-21 Safer Streets Fund provided £25m funding to 35 PCCs to invest in a range physical situational crime prevention measures, such as home security, alleygating, CCTV, street lighting, training community wardens or establishing Neighbourhood Watch Schemes across 52 high crime areas in England and Wales. Police CPI created a range of support material for the Safer Streets Fund 2020-21, which included a number of technical guides, a range of training courses to assist PCCs making their bids, a series of 26 blogs in the Knowledge Hub and 26 weekly, live, hour-long crime prevention question and answer session, delivered virtually via Microsoft Teams, for those involved in the delivery of the fund. Police CPI also provided ongoing support to local police Designing Out Crime Officers (DOCOs), who are attached to police forces and help introduce and implement crime prevention measures and techniques into local areas to deter and reduce crime. Police CPI is a police owned organisation that works to deliver a wide range of innovative and ground-breaking crime prevention and demand reduction initiatives to support the wider UK Police Service, Government and the general public. Police CPI maintains close working links with the National Police Chiefs’ Council National Leads, central government, manufacturers and companies involved in security products (within the UK and those in countries that supply the UK), standards authorities and key stakeholders such as Planners, Architects, Developers, Local Authorities, Housing Associations, academia and the public. Police CPI is a not-for-profit organisation, which delivers significant crime reductions at no cost to the Police Service or the public purse. Senior police officers from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland control and direct the work Police CPI carries out on behalf of the Police Service.   To stay up to date on the latest, trends, innovations, people news and company updates within the global security market please register to receive our newsletter here. Media contact Rebecca Morpeth Spayne, Editor, Security Portfolio Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922 Email:

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Safer Streets Fund 2021-22 launched

Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (Police CPI) will be providing another round of support to the Government’s latest crime-busting Safer Streets Fund initiative, which was launched at the end of last week. This second, £20m round of the Safer Streets Fund aims to build upon the momentum instilled by the first round of funding, offering Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and Local Authorities the opportunity to invest in new hotspot areas. Safer Streets Fund 2021-22 will maintain a number of the core characteristics of the fund that have made it a success to date, whilst making minor strategic changes such as allowing local authority led bids. For 2021-22, a total fund of £20 million has been set, with a maximum of £432,000 grant funding per successful bid. There is a requirement for a 20% matched funding contribution towards the bid, which can be provided as a financial contribution, or the equivalent of 20% in resourcing costs, e.g. staff/officer time. Bidders will also have flexibility to use the matched funding contributions for a wider range of supplementary activity to their bid, e.g. officer resource in a hotspot. Police CPI will be providing technical guidance to help PCCs, Local Authorities and DOCOs deliver on the new objectives, which focus the fund onto four neighbourhood crime types – burglary, robbery, theft from the person, vehicle crime.  Safer Streets Fund 2021-22 allows investment into commercial and non-residential areas as well, such as car parks and city centres. Wider acquisitive crime types (e.g. shoplifting and bike theft) will be considered as secondary outcomes, as will things like anti-social behaviour, violence, drug and alcohol related crime. Three priority bids per PCC area can be submitted, regardless of the lead bidder and PCCs will decide on prioritisation and be required to sign off any Local Authority led bids. The deadline for bids is midnight on 25 March 2021. Bidders will be informed whether they are successful by the end of May 2021. Police CPI support for the Safer Streets Fund includes five ‘How to’ crime prevention guides, Peer Reviews of fifteen police forces approach to acquisitive crime prevention and the provision of adhoc advice & guidance to forces having difficulties with delivering specific interventions. Jon Cole, Chief Operating Officer, Police CPI, said: “I am delighted that we can continue to support PCCs, local authorities and police forces in their delivery of the Safer Streets Fund bids”. The updated Safer Streets Fund crime prevention toolkit can be accessed here – Further details about applying to the Safer Streets Fund are available here – The 2020-21 Safer Streets Fund provided £25m funding to 35 PCCs to invest in a range physical situational crime prevention measures, such as home security, alleygating, CCTV, street lighting, training community wardens or establishing Neighbourhood Watch Schemes across 52 high crime areas in England and Wales. Police CPI created a range of support material for the Safer Streets Fund 2020-21, which included a number of technical guides, a range of training courses to assist PCCs making their bids, a series of 26 blogs in the Knowledge Hub and 26 weekly, live, hour-long crime prevention question and answer session, delivered virtually via Microsoft Teams, for those involved in the delivery of the fund. Police CPI also provided ongoing support to local police Designing Out Crime Officers (DOCOs), who are attached to police forces and help introduce and implement crime prevention measures and techniques into local areas to deter and reduce crime. Police CPI is a police owned organisation that works to deliver a wide range of innovative and ground-breaking crime prevention and demand reduction initiatives to support the wider UK Police Service, Government and the general public. Police CPI maintains close working links with the National Police Chiefs’ Council National Leads, central government, manufacturers and companies involved in security products (within the UK and those in countries that supply the UK), standards authorities and key stakeholders such as Planners, Architects, Developers, Local Authorities, Housing Associations, academia and the public. Police CPI is a not-for-profit organisation, which delivers significant crime reductions at no cost to the Police Service or the public purse. Senior police officers from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland control and direct the work Police CPI carries out on behalf of the Police Service.   To stay up to date on the latest, trends, innovations, people news and company updates within the global security market please register to receive our newsletter here. Media contact Rebecca Morpeth Spayne, Editor, Security Portfolio Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922 Email:

Safer Streets Fund 2021-22 launched Read More »

Safer Streets Fund 2021-22 launched

Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (Police CPI) will be providing another round of support to the Government’s latest crime-busting Safer Streets Fund initiative, which was launched at the end of last week. This second, £20m round of the Safer Streets Fund aims to build upon the momentum instilled by the first round of funding, offering Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and Local Authorities the opportunity to invest in new hotspot areas. Safer Streets Fund 2021-22 will maintain a number of the core characteristics of the fund that have made it a success to date, whilst making minor strategic changes such as allowing local authority led bids. For 2021-22, a total fund of £20 million has been set, with a maximum of £432,000 grant funding per successful bid. There is a requirement for a 20% matched funding contribution towards the bid, which can be provided as a financial contribution, or the equivalent of 20% in resourcing costs, e.g. staff/officer time. Bidders will also have flexibility to use the matched funding contributions for a wider range of supplementary activity to their bid, e.g. officer resource in a hotspot. Police CPI will be providing technical guidance to help PCCs, Local Authorities and DOCOs deliver on the new objectives, which focus the fund onto four neighbourhood crime types – burglary, robbery, theft from the person, vehicle crime.  Safer Streets Fund 2021-22 allows investment into commercial and non-residential areas as well, such as car parks and city centres. Wider acquisitive crime types (e.g. shoplifting and bike theft) will be considered as secondary outcomes, as will things like anti-social behaviour, violence, drug and alcohol related crime. Three priority bids per PCC area can be submitted, regardless of the lead bidder and PCCs will decide on prioritisation and be required to sign off any Local Authority led bids. The deadline for bids is midnight on 25 March 2021. Bidders will be informed whether they are successful by the end of May 2021. Police CPI support for the Safer Streets Fund includes five ‘How to’ crime prevention guides, Peer Reviews of fifteen police forces approach to acquisitive crime prevention and the provision of adhoc advice & guidance to forces having difficulties with delivering specific interventions. Jon Cole, Chief Operating Officer, Police CPI, said: “I am delighted that we can continue to support PCCs, local authorities and police forces in their delivery of the Safer Streets Fund bids”. The updated Safer Streets Fund crime prevention toolkit can be accessed here – Further details about applying to the Safer Streets Fund are available here – The 2020-21 Safer Streets Fund provided £25m funding to 35 PCCs to invest in a range physical situational crime prevention measures, such as home security, alleygating, CCTV, street lighting, training community wardens or establishing Neighbourhood Watch Schemes across 52 high crime areas in England and Wales. Police CPI created a range of support material for the Safer Streets Fund 2020-21, which included a number of technical guides, a range of training courses to assist PCCs making their bids, a series of 26 blogs in the Knowledge Hub and 26 weekly, live, hour-long crime prevention question and answer session, delivered virtually via Microsoft Teams, for those involved in the delivery of the fund. Police CPI also provided ongoing support to local police Designing Out Crime Officers (DOCOs), who are attached to police forces and help introduce and implement crime prevention measures and techniques into local areas to deter and reduce crime. Police CPI is a police owned organisation that works to deliver a wide range of innovative and ground-breaking crime prevention and demand reduction initiatives to support the wider UK Police Service, Government and the general public. Police CPI maintains close working links with the National Police Chiefs’ Council National Leads, central government, manufacturers and companies involved in security products (within the UK and those in countries that supply the UK), standards authorities and key stakeholders such as Planners, Architects, Developers, Local Authorities, Housing Associations, academia and the public. Police CPI is a not-for-profit organisation, which delivers significant crime reductions at no cost to the Police Service or the public purse. Senior police officers from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland control and direct the work Police CPI carries out on behalf of the Police Service.   To stay up to date on the latest, trends, innovations, people news and company updates within the global security market please register to receive our newsletter here. Media contact Rebecca Morpeth Spayne, Editor, Security Portfolio Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922 Email:

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Hanwha Techwin launches Wisenet Public View Monitors with built-in camera

A new range of Wisenet Public View Monitors (PVMs) equipped with a built-in SSL connected 2-megapixel camera have been introduced to help retailers deter fraudsters and shoplifters. Offering a choice of 10”, 27” and 32” monitors, the 3 new PVMs are designed to be located at store entrances, shopping aisles, till points or self-checkout pay points. With an SD/SDHC/SDXC slot which can facilitate up to 512GB of data storage, the PVMs provide store management with the opportunity to display a slide show which can include supplier adverts, own-brand product promotions and special offers. A default blinking ‘Recording in progress’ message is superimposed over the displayed graphics to let would be thieves know they are on camera, with operators having the option to customise the message and configure its size, colour, opaqueness and positioning on the monitor. Face Detection Supported by the Wisenet WAVE and SSM video management platforms as well as Wisenet NVRs, the ONVIF Conformant PVMs can be programmed so that images captured by the cameras are either continuously recorded or when prompted to do so by built-in face or motion detection video analytics. The face and motion detection feature can also be configured to switch the display to ‘live’ view to make people aware they are being watched, as they will be able to see themselves on the monitor as they enter a store or walk down a shopping aisle. The display reverts to the slide show after a specified number of seconds. The PVMs, which can be integrated with tagging (EAS) systems to record images of people who might be leaving the store with stolen items, also provide support for the AI-Masking, AI-Bio, AI-Face-Detect and AI-Occupancy video analytics applications, developed by Hanwha Techwin’s technology partner, A.I. Tech. The ultra-low light capabilities of the new PVMs, together with Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) technology performing at up to 150dB, enables the built-in camera to capture clear, sharp images in strongly contrasting light conditions at, for example, store entrances where strong sunlight may be streaming in. Power over Ethernet All three PVMs can be powered by 12V DC, with the Wisenet SMT-1030PV also offering the option to utilise Power over Ethernet (PoE+) if there isn’t an existing power supply close to where the PVM is being installed. A single cable of up to 100m is all that is needed to provide both power to the SMT-1030PV and for network communications The three new Wisenet PVMs, which can be mounted by using standard VESA brackets, are as follows: SMT-1030PV: 10” monitor with LED backlight and 1024 x 600 display resolution. SMT-2730PV: 27” monitor with LED backlight, HDMI input and Full HD display. SMT-3230PV: 32” monitor with LED backlight, HDMI input and Full HD display. Loss prevention strategy “With retailers increasingly relying on PVMs to play an important role within their strategic approach to loss prevention, we have designed our new models to make it quick and easy, as well as cost-effective, to deploy them across a large number of stores,” said Uri Guterman, Head of Product & Marketing for Hanwha Techwin Europe. “As the only PVMs available which, for cyber security and data protection purposes, are supplied with a complete built-in SSL connected camera, they eliminate the need for system integrators to install and connect a separate supporting camera, which some other manufacturers’ PVMs require. By building in an intuitive user interface, we have also made it extremely easy for busy store managers to take full advantage of the PVM’s functionality, including the ability to utilise the monitor for advertisement and signage using the slide show mode.”     To stay up to date on the latest, trends, innovations, people news and company updates within the global security market please register to receive our newsletter here. Media contact Rebecca Morpeth Spayne, Editor, Security Portfolio Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922 Email:

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OPTEX detection technology protects private residences and property in rural environments

Harper Security Systems, which specialises in specifying and installing smart security solutions for residential and private properties, has selected OPTEX’s range of Intelligent Passive Infrared (PIR) sensors for their reliability in detecting external threats, especially in rural environments. Three properties in the Home Counties and Lincolnshire are using a combination of OPTEX’s proven PIR sensors to protect property, people, and other important assets including horses from the dangers of vandalism and theft. OPTEX’s range includes sensors which offer panoramic 180-degree detection coverage and 12m/40ft radius to detect any intrusion around a residential or commercial building. They are ideally suited for protecting larger residential grounds and flat roofs typical with outbuilding on farms and stables. “We have worked with OPTEX for a number of years and have found their range of PIR sensors to be extremely accurate and reliable, which is critical when specifying external detection,” says Alan Harper, Director at Harper Security Systems. “The flexibility and versatility of the sensors is such that they are ideal for multiple environments,” Alan continues. “For example, we have recently installed them at a private stables in Lincolnshire to protect horses and valuable equestrian equipment, residences in rural villages in both Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire to protect property and personal items, as well as in commercial business environments.” Ben Linklater, Sales Director at OPTEX Europe, says that while the focus is often on towns and cities, crime in the countryside is a huge issue, costing the rural community in the UK more than £9 million this year alone: “Reliable external protection is becoming increasingly important not only to secure equipment and assets, but also livestock and other animals like horses. The earlier the detection the better chance there is to prevent intruders. “External intrusion detection is essential in rural environments as most assets, many of which are expensive to replace (and some are irreplaceable), are stored outside. We are very pleased to work with Harper Security who understand the benefits of early detection to keep premises, assets, people and animals secure, delivering innovative security solutions to their customers.”   To stay up to date on the latest, trends, innovations, people news and company updates within the UK security market please register to receive our newsletter here. Media contact Rebecca Morpeth Spayne, Editor, Security Portfolio Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922 Email:

OPTEX detection technology protects private residences and property in rural environments Read More »

360 Vision launches series of Technology Learning Webinars

360 Vision Technology, the UK manufacturer of rugged PTZ and thermal imaging cameras, has announced the launch of an exciting new range of Technology Learning Webinars, aimed mainly at Security Consultants and System Designers. The webinars, which are free of charge to attend, are designed to be interesting educational pieces covering a range of relevant technology topics.  The first webinar entitled ‘Video Surveillance Design’ will take place on Thursday 10th December. “It gives me great pleasure to announce the official launch of these learning webinars,” says Sara Fisher, Sales Director at 360 Vision Technology.  “During the recent long months spent working behind closed doors, we have had the opportunity to develop what we consider to be a ‘deep-dive’ into a variety of different video surveillance and detection technologies.  We’ve gone as far as ‘road-testing’ a few topics with a number of Consultancy Teams and the sessions have been extremely well received. Some have even said that they are the best educational sessions they have come across in the industry”. Tony Holloway, 360 Vision’s Camera Technology Expert, who has over 30 years’ experience in the Physical Security Surveillance industry, has curated and will present the learning sessions. “We are extremely proud to have Tony as part of the 360 Vision team,” continues Sara. “These sessions draw on his many years’ of experience and that of the innovative product design team at 360 Vision. We have also produced future webinar content covering other great topics, such as the use of radar detection in perimeter security applications and an overview of thermal surveillance technologies, all of which we plan to roll-out early in the New Year.  So, if your diary happens to be clear on 10th December, please do sign up for this first session, it will be time well spent!” To register to attend this webinar, please complete the form on the link below:   To stay up to date on the latest, trends, innovations, people news and company updates within the global security market please register to receive our newsletter here. Media contact Rebecca Morpeth Spayne, Editor, Security Portfolio Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922 Email:

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