Crimestoppers predicts a new partnership with the Association of Town and City Management (ATCM) can provide a real boost to safety within town and city centres across the UK.
Crimestoppers is celebrating its 25th anniversary and it claims around 20 people are arrested everyday as a result of information given to the crime-fighting charity by the public.
ATCM, a not-for-profit that includes over 600 town centre, city centre and business improvement district locations, strives to combat crime and anti-social behaviour in town and city centres across the UK.
A spokesman for Crimestoppers said the link-up with ATCM is a “key relationship” to help fight crime and keep communities across the UK safe.
Crimestoppers provides an anonymous outlet for the public to pass on details about crime and it hopes the link-up with ATCM can provide a large boost to the flow of evidence being passed onto the charity. Increasing public engagement is seen as key to achieving this ambition.
The spokesman said: “We have a number of regional staff who work across the UK, as well as a network of over 500 volunteers who are embedded into their local community and carry an array of key skills and contacts.
“Staff and volunteers work tirelessly to get to the core of their local area, linking in with local organisations, businesses and influential members of the public who can play their part in fighting crime.
“We see this experience as invaluable in being able to support ATCM’s ambitions to improve town and city centre safety.”
ATCM runs the Purple Flag accreditation scheme, which is designed to provide recognition of the management of a town or city centre at night. It works alongside its Purple Flag Advisory Committee – a partnership of central and local government, police, business and consumers – to manage the scheme in an attempt to increase the appeal of city centres at night-time.
Crimestoppers hailed the purple flag as something that towns and cities should be proud of. The spokesman added: “If a town has a purple flag, we would hope those living in that area would be keen to ensure they keep it that way.
“Through Crimestoppers they have an outlet to pass on information about incidents in their town without revealing any personal details, and by doing this, they can maintain their purple flag status.”
Martin Blackwell, chief executive at ATCM, said that, with around 90 per cent of the total UK population living and working in towns and cities, it is “essential” to ensure they have positive experiences of safe centres.
He added: “This is an exciting opportunity to work with Crimestoppers, whose 25 years’ experience in fighting crime will no doubt strengthen our efforts to make our town and city centres safer.”