Elmdene awarded ISO14001 2004 certification

ISO14001 team photo
ISO14001 team photo

Innovative electronic security and fire products manufacturer, Elmdene International Limited – a subsidiary of Potter Signal, LLC – announces that it has been awarded ISO14001: 2004 certification as a result of the industry-leading environmental management processes implemented across the business.

As part of the comprehensive ‘green’ focus adopted by Elmdene to secure ISO14001:2004, the company’s management procedures have now been expanded to look beyond, for example, how product design can improve manufacturing processes to a wider remit that takes into account the environmental impact of any such changes. In addition to considering its own working practices, in the drive to secure ISO14001:2004, Elmdene has also conducted an intensive environmental review of its key supply partners.

Elmdene reports that the changes it has implemented for ISO14001:2004 are already having a positive financial benefit in terms of controlling and reducing waste streams. In addition, the company anticipates a 30 per cent reduction in energy bills; this has been achieved by measures such as replacing lights with energy efficient versions, turning down heating and having an active “switch off” policy. Even the energy wastage of load testing of power supplies has been reduced by the use of an innovative solution that recirculates energy therefore not wasting it through heat emissions.

From a customer perspective, the measures Elmdene now has put in place should help to ensure that its product lines remain competitively priced, thanks to a reduction in overheads, as well as supporting a growing move towards the very latest in green technology like switch mode power which offers attractive operational savings for users.

Other major steps taken by Elmdene, in the year-long process to satisfy ISO14001:2004 requirements, include: the implementation of an environmental policy and specific aims for improvement; the application of procedures to control processes that could, potentially, have an impact on the environment; the identification of specific waste streams and compliance with the relevant regulations; the adoption of emergency procedures to respond to any environmental incident on-site and the roll-out of staff specific training on environmental issues. Elmdene has even gone as far as controlling noise pollution by testing all of its sirens in a new insulated anechoic chamber.

Said Ian Moore, Managing Director at Elmdene International Limited: “The achievement of ISO14001:2004 is a major landmark for us and ties-in with our long-term focus on social responsibility and more energy efficient product lines like our switch mode PSUs (Power Supply Units) for security and fire applications. We believe that we are one of the first, if not the first, UK business of our type to obtain ISO14001 registration. Working-up to ISO14001 a key challenge for us was to ensure that we were able to cover all of the environmental aspects, and impacts, within our operations and to identify relevant environmental legislation. From an employee point of view our staff are fully on board with what we are doing and are encouraged to ‘think green’ in every activity they undertake.”


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