Five dimensions of knowledge are the key to understanding Middle East

Key to Middle EastKey to Middle EastBusiness Intelligence and commercial investigations in the Middle East can be fraught with difficulty.  However, Security News Desk has identified one company that has a clear understanding of the complexities of the region.

Five Dimensions consultants believe that comprehending five certain dimensions of knowledge is essential to understanding a country or a region. These five dimensions are politics, language, economics, history and religion. They believe that understanding all five enables a better understanding of the economic and geopolitical picture of the Middle.

Their team includes highly qualified professionals with impressive experience in many fields, including diplomacy and foreign affairs, the petrochemical and energy sectors, financial services, global charitable work and strategic security.  They have access to sources that include government experience in various Middle East countries, experience in the construction, energy (including oil and gas), banking, Islamic charity and Islamic financing sectors as well as unique insights to areas to get a clear understanding of risks and threats in the region.

Rosi Kern, Director of Analysis and Business Development at Five Dimensions Consultants said, “Five Dimensions strives to provide its clients with quality information that allows them to make informed business decisions.  It has proven that the cost of due diligence and associated measures up-front is considerably less than the price of damage control; their work is geared towards ensuring that clients avoid financial loss and reputational damage”.

She added, “The company’s services cover reputational risk, company and executive background, commercial and political connections, market entry/stability assessment. Given the sensitive nature of what we do, Five Dimensions Consultants depend on secrecy and discretion and we handle both clients and sources with the utmost care and diligence in order to protect confidentiality of all parties involved”.

They have developed special links through an impressive network of contacts and specialize in the following countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.

Five D LogoThe company’s information is drawn from exclusive sources and its output is in the form of bespoke reports, personal briefings or regular more general regional updates.

Impressive is the only way to describe not just their connections but their customer base.

As well as their business intelligence lead they provide specialist support to 3 other main areas:

  • Geopolitical and Security Analysis – This goes hand in glove with what is needed to support their business intelligence output.  They are able to pinpoint political trends, detect strategic shifts,and analyse events as they occur using our five dimensions of knowledge.
  • Terrorism Finance – The team have an amazing insight and understanding of terrorism finance within the Muslim world. They have supported major press organisations, banks and financial institutes and governments in their understanding of this complex and often murky world.  However the real reason is to assist financial regulators and authorities to detect whether charities or individual philanthropists are making inappropriate contributions that may aid the cause of terrorists and insurgents.
  • Kidnap Survival Courses – The team has access to people with a wide variety of backgrounds and synonymous with business in some less stable Middle East countries is the risk of kidnap. Their Kidnap Survival courses are aimed at individuals and organizations with employees who operate in Muslim regions
with high kidnapping rates.

Their team has extensive experience in kidnapping situations and has participated in hostage negotiations in the past to successfully secure the release of Western hostages within the Middle East.

It is quite clear that if you want to do business in the Middle Ease then this is company you need to talk to.

Five Dimensions website

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