Forensic Field Exploitation Kit Level 1 – Kirintec
Please take a look at our Forensic Field Exploitation Kit Level 1.
This will be of interest to teams that work in:
• The Military• Law Enforcement
• Weapons Intelligence If you undertake forensics tasks as part of your role, then the chances are you need to collate on-the-scene evidence. We believe ours is the best you will find on the market to assist with enhancing your operational needs.
We have taken time to listen and research.
Couple these findings with our first-hand knowledge of working forensically at the scene, we have therefore compiled such a popular Forensic Exploitation Level 1 Kit. Designed exclusively to help those who observe best industry practice, it may be specifically used for:
• identifying• handling
• and collecting items.
Preserving and collating evidence is imperative for information gathering and providing invaluable intelligence for colleagues. From disposable clothing worn for forensic examination, through to essential kit needed to perform everyday forensic tasks (for example: torches, trowels and flags), this kit has all the basics you need.
Neatly packed into one portable case weighing about 40kg, it’s ideal to transport and carry forward in the UK and overseas for tasks such as:
1. Site documentation2. Preparing an inventory
3. Material and biometrics collection
4. Post blast investigation work
5. Testing – perhaps explosives or other trace materials
6. Preparing findings to take back to resource facilities
7. So much more.
We also have a Field Level 1 Enhanced Forensic Field Exploitation Kit, which offers consumables separately. Turn to page 3 of the attached above file to learn more.
Should you have any queries about any of our Kits, or perhaps need help with putting a bespoke one together for your mission, please get in touch today.
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