Glasgow Caledonian University seeks security leaders to join their inaugural security MBA programme

Two ground-breaking new university qualifications will help professionalise and shape the security sector in the UK, according to industry experts.

Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) has partnered with security consultants CAMOR to launch two work-based qualifications which offer security professionals the chance to combine work with academic study through a blended learning mode of delivery at GCU’s London campus in Spitalfields.

GCU has collaborated with security industry experts to devise the work-based programme to offer professionals a unique opportunity to gain a relevant, up-to-date qualification, which is recognised worldwide.

Against a backdrop of increased risk, sector industry leaders are increasingly frustrated by the lack of industry relevant qualifications to enable strategic ability to anticipate and manage safety, security and crime prevention in today’s operating environment.

Rob Kennedy, Training & Development Manager, SecuriGroup, added: “The modern security industry is playing an ever-increasing primary role in keeping people safe.

“The need to professionalise the industry to match that challenge is clear. We believe that the GCU/CAMOR offering will do exactly that, integrating academic study with vocational skills. ”It is hoped the new pathway will raise standards and help those looking to forge a career in the private security industry.”

Baroness Dr Ruth Henig CBE, Chair of SecuriGroup, who delivered a keynote speech at GCU’s industry consultation event in London, said: “These ground-breaking programmes will bridge the gap between theory and practice and provide significant progress in the further professionalisation of the security industry.”


The programmes, a top-up honours degree, BSc (Hons) Applied Integrated Security Operations*, and the CMI Accredited, Applied Professional Practice (Security Operations) MBA Degree Apprenticeship*, take advantage of GCU’s established curricula and bring a range of new security industry module options which have been co-created with CAMOR, a UK based company that specialises in niche security consultancy and training ranging areas such as insider threat, counter terrorism, aviation security.

One of the key assets that GCU seeks to leverage is its strength in providing additional industry contextualisation through the security industry programme champion and associated tools for mentorship development.  These elements mark out GCU’s experience of nurturing the student and employer relationship and excellence in Degree Apprenticeship delivery but they also ensure the establishment of a strong, senior leader peer network amongst security experts as they progress through their MBA to emerge as Chartered Managers in the Security Industry.

Fiona Stewart-Knight, Assistant Vice Principal, Business and Director of the Institute for University to Business Education said, “Most security professionals have extraordinary experience gathered in the field.  These programmes provide a unique opportunity to formalise and interpret that knowledge through academic frameworks, sector specific strategic tools and systems enabling better planning and preparation for the management and prevention of risk in today’s operating environment.”

Paul McDonald, Chief Executive Officer of CAMOR, said: “In the past year we have developed a very close relationship with GCU and to be recognised for the expertise that we are able to bring from the security industry in developing both courses is very exciting.  We are delighted that our partnership with GCU has reached this milestone. “

Rick Mountfield, Chief Executive of the Security Institute, said: “We very much welcome the development of the GCU degree programmes.”

“The private security industry is a key contributor to community and public safety in the UK and we are very supportive of any initiative which provides security professionals with a means to develop themselves and raise standards in the industry.”

As the University for the Common Good, GCU strives to widen access to higher education by providing opportunities for all. GCU offers a wealth of experience in work-based education to employers through its sector-leading Institute for University to Business Education.

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