Grandfather seeks crowd source funding to bring universal door lock to market

Easy Lock secures hotel door in seconds
Easy Lock: inventor says it secures hotel doors in seconds

A grandfather who was concerned about the safety of his grandchildren while travelling has designed a universal door lock that can secure your hotel room in seconds.

Now time is running out to secure the funds that will enable him to transform his design into reality.

For years Bob Fitzjohn has been quietly worrying about the safety of his seven grandchildren when they reach the age to travel. After researching the existing portable lock market, he discovered that the products available were either plastic with a reputation to break, chunky, heavy or difficult to utilise and that none of them offered the opportunity to open the door sufficiently to check the identity of the caller.

He decided to design a lock himself that would overcome all of these issues.

The result is Easy Lock, designed to be the lightest lock of its kind in the world that allows individuals to open the door slightly whilst preventing forced entry – protecting those most vulnerable.

Fitzjohn needs help with funding and is making an appeal to the public to support his venture, by seeking funding pledges starting at just £2 at, the crowdfunding website.

A total of £10,000.00 is needed to fund the project – at the time of writing he was 75% of the way to his goal with just 10 days to go.

He says the Easy Lock is small and incredibly light, perfect for students, travelers, the elderly, or anyone else. It will secure any door, he says, whether that be a hotel room, B&B, rented accommodation, at home, the office or toilets.

In this video you can see how easy it is to use.


Fitzjohn has been working on his idea for the past year, even visiting possible manufacturers whilst on holiday in China and driving his family mad developing prototypes of the lock at the kitchen table.

He said: “I’m excited to be at the point when I can seek funding for the lock. It’s been quite a challenge finding manufacturers who could help me create a lock that could have the strength of steel with the lightness of plastic, whilst remaining aesthetically pleasing to the eye. It needed to be simple – easy to install and remove in seconds. I also wanted it to be inexpensive – to allow it to be available to all. If enough money is raised it can become a reality. It will be a dream come true if I can produce a lock that will provide safety for so many.”

Easy Lock will cost £19.95, with free postage in Europe, £4 worldwide. It is being developed in a range of colours, and will also have a choice of coloured pouch.

The product, if funded, could be a very exciting breakthrough for the world of security, he said.


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