SecurityNewsDesk has caught up with Joon Jun, Executive Vice President of IDIS, following Intersec 2015 to find out why MENA is a strategic marketplace for DirectIP™.
How was the show for IDIS this year?
Intersec continues to impress with the number of visitors from right across the security buying chain. We met with installers and integrators based throughout the MENA region as well as end users from a variety of industries. This was our second year following the launch of DirectIP in 2014. I’m pleased with the feedback from visitors who felt that we’ve built upon the buzz we created last year. We took a larger and more prominent stand, and this definitely signalled that we’re committed to the region and that DirectIP is a great fit for MENA customers. The feedback is that we’re improving margins for installers and meeting the surveillance needs of end users, which is great to hear.
Find out more about IDIS’s Intersec 2015 experience in the below video:
What did you showcase this year, and what were the major trends of the show?
There was tangible excitement around 4k UHD technology at this year’s show, and we led the industry by building on our end-to-end surveillance solutions by showcasing the latest 8MP IP cameras and UHD surveillance-grade monitors. Our latest additions include H.265 compliant cameras as well as video management software (VMS), which also builds on our promise of industry-leading performance and affordability.
The other major trend at this year’s show was integration. This is a trend which is definitely set to continue as organisations realise the operational benefits of integrated security solutions, as well as the ability to close security gaps that can result from disparate systems. We’ve responded to this demand by demonstrating integration with security platforms including eFusion™ by Maxxess, Lenel, Software House and other major security vendors, which generated considerable interest from the commercial and enterprise sectors.
We also showcased our most comprehensive industry solutions to date. For the retail sector we demonstrated integration with Point of Sale (PoS) and a comprehensive UHD and full-HD line up with new 5MP fisheye camera that is well suited to busy shopping environments. Our transportation demo proved popular with visitors and highlighted our range of internal and external cameras and mobile NVRs for company fleet vehicles as well as public transport. DirectIP integration with industry-leading ANPR technology also saw us demonstrate the ability to automate parking operations and to gather traffic intelligence, which is particularly important for the region as it looks to alleviate congestion and improve road safety.

How has IDIS’ first year in the Middle East been and how do you see future growth?
We continue to view MENA as an important and strategic marketplace for DirectIP™ solutions. The market is healthy in terms of its size and current growth expectations. At the same time Middle East organisations and security professionals in particular are tech savvy, demanding cutting-edge technology combined with quality and high-performance. The region also escaped the full brunt of the economic recession and so tends to be less price-sensitive, assisting in the adoption of higher quality and performance security solutions. The market dynamics really are a great fit for DirectIP, which is why we announced a permanent regional head office, key staff and a huge customer success story with Sedar during Intersec.
We will continue to develop partnerships in the region and nurture a base of loyal customers from our legacy installed base. With a proven record of accomplishment and, in many cases, IDIS equipment still operational today (some ten plus years on from its implementation) we’ve seen that customers are impressed in terms of our stability and reliability and now ready to upgrade to DirectIP.
Can you tell me more about the DirectIP implementation at Sedar?
Particularly well known for its curtains featuring Swarovski crystals, Sedar is a leading brand in the world of window fashion and fine furnishings. The company employs around 2,500 people across its operations throughout MENA. Having already reviewed 30 different surveillance systems, Sedar was looking for a scalable, cost-effective video surveillance solution that would increase productivity, enhance security and meet the challenge of its ambitious growth plans.
Back in January 2014, the Sedar team visited us on the IDIS stand at Intersec and were immediately impressed with the performance and quality of DirectIP together with the responsive of our sales and technical teams. Following the show, Sedar then embarked on a pilot project and subsequently rolled out DirectIP across its entire enterprise through an international phased install program. Their commitment so far comprises approximately 40 network video recorders and 400 cameras. The solution also includes all associated network accessories together with Video Management Software (VMS), at no additional cost and no annual license fees, which is ensuring Sedar a low cost of ownership.
Plug-and-play simplicity has also meant a rapid implementation with minimal training and no disruption to routine operations. So far the IDIS solution has resulted in a rapid return on investment seeing a 10% improvement in productivity as well as enhancing safety and security for customers and staff. The inherent scalability of DirectIP has seen the implementation of centralised monitoring at the Sedar headquarters in Sharjar, UAE and the continued implementation across new franchises in the MENA region.
It’s definitely a great success story for both Sedar and IDIS – as well as Intersec!