In nearly a century since the first 999 call was placed, public safety agencies have undergone a lot of changes, but none so dramatic as today. NG9-9-9 is transforming the emergency communications landscape with new citizen communication channels, and shared IP networks (ESInets) that promise to eliminate technology duplication, bolster interoperability, and reduce infrastructure costs. As NG9-9-9 takes hold, control rooms will need to manage more types and larger volumes of multimedia information, such as voice, video and texts. And they’ll need to be able to seamlessly assemble all of this information together after-the-fact to ensure comprehensive incident reconstruction, quality assurance and continuous improvement. NICE’s solutions were designed from the ground up to address these very challenges. In fact, as an active member of the EENA (European Emergency Number Association) working group, and ongoing participant in NENA’s Industry Collaboration Events (ICE) in the US, NICE has actually helped to shape standards. Register to attend the complimentary webinar and you’ll learn: - How to comply with the latest i3 standards for capturing IP communications and text-to-999 messages, while avoiding the pitfalls of short-term solutions.
- How NICE Inform, NICE’s industry-leading and future-proof multimedia incident reconstruction solution, can help you synchronise all of your multimedia communications – from voice and screens, to videos and 9-9-9 texts, and beyond.
- How NG9-9-9 will open up new modes of recording (e.g. Recording as a Service) which will in turn provide financial, operational and security benefits.
- The challenges and advantages of the new ESN
(Emergency Services Network) Presenters: - Diamond Chaflawee, Product Marketing Director, NICE Public Safety
- Jamie Wilson, Marketing Manager, NICE Public Safety