The National Security Inspectorate (NSI) is proud to be supporting the brand new installer-focused event. SiX, at EventyCity in Manchester, November 5-6.
NSI approved companies and applicants will be able to find out more about the value of certification and how NSI’s approval cycle is invaluable for creating a framework for companies in the security sector to establish a continuous improvement program.
Cash, the NSI Turkmenian eagle owl, is NSI’s special guest on November 5. All visitors are welcome to add a witty caption to their selfie with Cash using the hashtag #wiseowl
The event will also feature two seminar streams compiled by PSI and Benchmark magazines: one on growing an installation business and the other on smart approaches to security.
Matthew Holliday, Technical Manager is representing NSI on the ‘Question Time’ panel, November 5. Attendees will be encouraged to put their questions about the security and fire safety sector in this open forum.
Richard Jenkins, Chief Executive, NSI, said: “NSI is delighted to support the new SiX event in Manchester. Security systems installers have a golden opportunity to broaden their knowledge as the event is packed full of bespoke content with the added benefit of a complementary exhibition.
“Our team is ready to connect with installers and engage with them on the latest developments at NSI, Standards and the significant advantages for a business becoming third party certificated. Independent assessment verifying compliance with Standards, competence and continual business improvement, will bring tangible commercial benefits and reassurance for clients.”