Promise Technology strengthening presence in Kuwait

Promise Technology strengthening presence in Kuwait

Kuwait was rocked on June 26th, 2015 when a bomb tore through a local Shia mosque claiming the lives 27 people while injuring another 227.

The tragic event led the Kuwait Ministry of the Interior (MOI) to adopt more stringent regulations regarding video surveillance in the country as part of an attempt to thwart future attacks and to protect its citizens, including a mandatory retention time of at least 120 days. The bombing along with expanding construction activities from the development on new cities, in which Kuwait is expected to spend close to $100 billion, has led to the rapid increase in the demand for IP video surveillance systems in the country.

Promise Technology, a leading developer of open platform storage solutions for IP video surveillance, is very active in meeting the requirements in Kuwait along with its partner Business Automation and Security Services (BASS). Promise places a strong focus on service and support, and training is considered one of the main pillars in the company’s strategy to further strengthen its presence in the country. Many security professionals know every specification for cameras and video management software (VMS), but there are gaps in the knowledge around storage and surveillance infrastructure.

Promise is working hard to increase the knowledge level around storage solutions with onsite certified hands on training, including through the event the company held at the end of March in Kuwait where over 35 security professionals were certified by Promise. Through the training, the participants developed the skills and expertise needed to design, install, configure and maintain the optimal security solution for their customers with Promise’s Vess NVR appliances and external storage solutions.

John van den Elzen, General Manager Surveillance Business Unit, Promise Technology said:

“We want to thank BASS and all of the participants of our latest trainings for their enthusiasm in working together with Promise to develop the best surveillance solutions for their customers in Kuwait. The Promise Certified Trainings not only equip the security professionals with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in supporting their customers, but the certification also serves as an important way for them to differentiate themselves when customers are selecting their security professional.”

Mohamad Boussi, Business Development Manager – Kuwait, BASS said:

“Thank you very much to all of the valued clients who took the time to join Promise and BASS at the certified training. There is no substitute to the knowledge and expertise the security professionals gained through the comprehensive training and this is invaluable to ensuring total satisfaction from our end-customers here in Kuwait.”

To pre-register for the next training courses in Romania, Egypt and South Africa, please contact Promise at

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