Security Media Publishing and The Security Catalogue are evolving

SND05 Cover (Custom)We are two months on from the merger of Security Media Publishing and The Security Catalogue and are making great strides. Taking on the role of Managing Director of this new and improved entity at a time of such change has given me the opportunity to take all our existing products, services and opportunities and elevate them to the next level.

Over the course of the last two months we have been busy reaffirming our dedication to our print publications with the release of the latest edition of SecurityNewsDesk Newspaper and an updated release schedule that will ensure regular bimonthly release of this publication, where opportunity presents we may also publish additional issues. We are committed to continuing to provide the best possible news, views and content to the security industry as well as allowing the best service to our clients seeking to promote their business in our publication.

Going forward, you are going to see all of our services evolve. Not only are we hard at work on our website and social media channels, to make sure we are in step with the latest trends and technology, we are also extending our Middle East coverage. With the support of IDIS Global, Global surveillance leader, we are in the process of developing a dedicated Security Middle East website to give the massive amount of news and developments from the region the attention it deserves.

In addition, our video services will continue to grow during 2014. Following on from our exclusive coverage of Intersec 2104, we will be expanding upon our reputation as the industry’s top videographer for events, news, case studies, and so much more, with several key projects in the pipeline.

The Security Catalogue can now offer its members access to the complete portfolio of Security Media Publishing products as well as ideal outlet for press releases and news stories.

As we evolve, it is important that you, our clients, readers and partners get involved. I encourage you to get in touch and share your thoughts. What would you like to see on our website? What latest news do you have to share? What services do you think we should be offering? Your feedback is vital to the continued success of Security Media Publishing and The Security Catalogue.

I am looking forward a bright and busy year ahead, and I am sure that the merger will go on to create a myriad of new opportunities for us and for our readers and clients.


Get in touch by phone, +44 (0)1543 250456, or by email,, with your feedback or if you would like more information on the merger and how it is driving the future of Security Media Publishing.

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