Tag: Africa

SecurityNewsDesk investigates piracy in West Africa with Steven Jones, Maritime Director of SAMI – Part 2

We began an investigation into the piracy situation in West Africa with Maritime Director of the Security Association for the Maritime Industry (SAMI), Steven Jones, last week with Part 1 here. We conclude our discussion with Steven about piracy and the recent Maritime & Coastal Security Africa in Cape Town with the following.
Some of the main challenges facing the effective management of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea outlined at the conference in Cape Town included:

Reasons to feel buoyant

There are new opportunities for Private Maritime Security in West Africa and beyond, writes Timothy


Sentry360 expands to Africa, the Middle East & Europe

Sentry360 has announced its international expansion to venture new partnerships and expansion into the EMEA market. This undertaking, ensuring several new distribution and integration partners, is beginning in Dubai and Istanbul, Turkey.

The security industry in Asia and Africa: Challenging yet essential markets

Asia is now the most coveted homeland security and defence market in the world, a market valued in excess of $1 trillion. Now all eyes, including those in Asia, are turning to Africa. Along with many US and European firms, China and India are in fierce competition to win over key African homeland security contracts.

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