SSAIB assesses first company to new British Standard for Investigative Services

One of the United Kingdom’s leading fire, security and telecare certification body, SSAIB, recently completed an assessment of Probe Investigations (UK) Ltd in a pilot scheme. The scheme tested the company against recently published British Standard 102000 for Investigative Services.

The Liverpool based professional investigation firm achieved the requirements of the draft standard, prior to its publication, and is the first such company that SSAIB has assessed against BS 102000:2013. This code of practice provides recommendations for the conduct, management, staffing and operational accountability for the provision of investigative services, and can be used by investigative services buyers/customers.

SSAIB announces double accreditation achievement

SSAIB has gained UKAS accreditation for two increasingly important standards affecting companies operating in the security sector. The UK’s leading certification body is now accredited for OHSAS 18001, the British Standard for occupational health and safety management systems, as well as ISO14001 Environmental Management Systems.

Video: SSAIB – Manned security and Security systems

SSAIB, the leading certification body, explain the benefits that come from choosing an accredited service provider for monitoring security systems or manned security services. See the latest video production from SecurityNewsDesk.

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