Tag: video management software

Tim Compston gets in the frame on video surveillance camera trends

Guest Features Writer at Security News Desk, Tim Compston discusses with Arecont Vision, IHS Markit, IndigoVision, Video Management Systems, Axis Communications, Vectra Networks, Tyco and NetVu, the latest developments in video surveillance technology. He finds out what is making waves in the world of video surveillance cameras, from the race for more pixels to the cybersecurity of the cameras themselves.

Milestone wins contract to provide open platform video management for Phoenix, Arizona police

Milestone Systems, the leading open platform company in IP video management software (VMS), has been chosen to provide open platform video management by the Phoenix, Arizona, Police Department after successfully securing several major national sporting events in 2015. Milestone provided the flexibility needed for this combined effort to manage crowds, minimize incidents and keep the general public safe.

IndigoVision introduces tiered Video Management Software

IndigoVision – the leading developer of end-to-end video security solutions – announces the launch of a tiered Video Management Software with Control Center v14.0, radically changing the way this innovative security management system is delivered.

Case Security awarded Wavestore Enterprise level partner status

Wavestore, providers of open platform Video Management Software (VMS) that unlocks the full potential of integrated security solutions, has announced that Case Security has become the first systems integrator in the UK to be awarded Wavestore Enterprise level partner status.

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