Eagle Eye Networks details the latest 2021 Trends in the video surveillance market, with a focus on cloud based solutions, AI and evolving compliance requirements Eagle Eye Networks, global provider in smart cloud video security solutions has released an eBook detailing the latest trends in the video surveillance market. The trends are predicted to impact the industry, security and business intelligence analytics. 2020 imparted a worldwide pandemic. Social unrest. Political divisiveness. Unprecedented wildfires. And a near record-breaking hurricane/typhoon season. As relieved as the world may be to put this challenging year behind us, all these disparate-yet-connected events didn’t magically disappear once the ball dropped on midnight, December 31. In fact, this continued uncertainty around the globe is the underlying issue for most, if not all, of the security industry trends we’re predicting for 2021. For example, it’s accelerating the move to the cloud, amplifying the call for safety coupled with privacy and emphasising the need for accurate data and analytics with which to make faster, better, more informed decisions. Here’s how our experts see the coming year unfolding for the video security industry. Customers are asking for cloud Some 90% of companies report doing business in the cloud. Its adoption started to ascend a few years ago when Millennials – who had become a dominant generation in the labor force – pushed hard for the flexibility to work from anywhere, anytime. Fast forward to 2020 and we saw the remote workforce trend accelerated by COVID-19, as the business world scrambled to maintain productivity with a home-bound workforce. All that said, approximately only 10% of video surveillance is on the cloud. The rest is still being recorded on a server or a machine or computer located in the facility where the cameras are installed. But, that’s changing. And, it’s changing primarily because the benefits of cloud in the video surveillance space are powerful and undeniable, including major cost savings, heightened data security, remote access and maintenance, flexible storage and retention, scalability, increased stability and disaster recovery. In addition, bandwidth challenges are no longer a feasible argument against cloud computing, as tremendous advances have been made in internet bandwidth availability. Finally, the cloud also enables an open platform, which promotes flexible, fast technology innovation and longevity. Advanced analytics (AI) will transform video surveillance systems into even more valuable business solutions Video surveillance systems are not just for security anymore, they’re also a valuable tool for business intelligence (BI). Many video management system (VMS) providers have been preaching this, but most of the industry has failed to deliver. Widespread availability and adoption of AI and BI to transform video surveillance mirrors the Gartner Hype Cycle. They have progressed through the cycle from “Technology Trigger” to “Peak of Inflated Expectations” down to the “Trough of Disillusionment” and gradually back up toward the “Slope of Enlightenment.” It’s now reaching the “Plateau of Productivity,” meaning AI and BI in video security are becoming the norm. Ultimately, smart cloud video surveillance with appropriate privacy and cybersecurity protections will make businesses and communities much safer, for example, by detecting dangers such as weapons, erratic driving, active robberies and suspicious loitering. Furthermore, businesses will analyse their customer behaviors, service and overall retail operations to provide a significantly better customer experience. And, manufacturers will provide higher quality products, in a safer and more timely manner. To drill down a bit, AI is also reducing false alarms, a major issue in the security industry. Analytics can ensure the system won’t trigger unnecessary alarms due to benign motion, such as animal movements or billowing curtains. Simultaneously, sophisticated algorithms are now able to identify age groups, genders, clothing colors and even details, like whether or not visitors entering a building are wearing face masks or maintaining social distancing. Video surveillance compliance requirements are constantly evolving As video surveillance becomes a more widely adopted tool across industries and continents, regulating its use is becoming more prevalent. For example: The Cannabis Industry In 2020, cannabis legislation continued to change around the world. With increased legalisation comes increased regulatory requirements for those businesses hoping to survive and thrive within the rules. And regulations that encompass things like video resolution and retention, remote accessibility for law enforcement and offsite video backup vary widely from state to state and even municipality to municipality. Body-Worn Cameras Policies dictated by law enforcement commissions regarding when, where and how police officers operate their body-worn cameras are prevalent and divergent. And, in the not-too distant future, we predict these policies will also expand to commercial body-worn cameras for in-home service providers, such as nurses, cleaning crews, massage therapists and food deliverers. In fact, the body-worn camera market is expected to register a 16% compound annual growth rate between now and 2025. Payments Any business that regularly comes into contact with credit card information must remain compliant with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). To ensure card data isn’t compromised or for quick incident investigation, monitoring physical access to sensitive areas and retaining collected surveillance data are necessary The Education Sector Compliance requirements are expanding for special education classrooms, with a number of states requiring districts to conduct surveillance intended to protect students who may not be able to report abuse or mistreatment themselves. Healthcare This industry is tightly regulated by government regulations. As part of this, video security is used by healthcare facilities to safeguard patients and their medical records, as well as staff, visitors and the facility itself. IT departments are now engaging with and in many cases owning video surveillance For decades, the security team owned the video surveillance system in an office setting. However, in recent years, IT leaders have not only gotten involved in the video management system, they’re actually owning it. As part of their IT strategy, corporations are leveraging video for business process improvement to maximise the benefits of surveillance investments while reducing unnecessary operational overhead. The main driver for this shift is their deep understanding of the importance of cybersecurity. As