CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP joins Secure Chorus as new member

Secure Chorus has announced the addition of its latest member. The international law firm CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP has joined the not-for-profit organisation alongside key industry figures including the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), global telecommunication operators, system integrators, defence prime contractors, technology companies and academic institutions.

The move underlines how cyber security is perceived as becoming an increasingly important operational risk in the legal industry, and highlights its critical role in maintaining client privacy, securing the transfer of valued data and the trust reputation on which the legal system relies. Secure Chorus supports innovation in cyber security and serves as a systemic catalyst that brings together key players to articulate the benefits of collaboration, facilitate strategy development and develop common standards and tangible capabilities.

Elisabetta Zaccaria, Chairman of Secure Chorus said: “We are pleased to welcome CMS as a member. This will allow us to expand our knowledge of the legal industry requirements to improve their core cyber security capabilities, while securing emerging legal tech against new types of cyber-attack.

“CMS also brings to Secure Chorus a deep understanding of the relationship between the digital and regulatory landscape, which will enhance Secure Chorus’ ability to understand and meet regulators’ requirements across sectors.”

Anthony Waller, Partner of CMS said:  “We are excited to join Secure Chorus to learn and contribute to its community. Like all industries, cyber-attacks are on the rise in the legal services sector and this poses an unprecedented threat to the confidentiality and trust inherent in the lawyer-client relationship. We are delighted to bring our legal expertise to bear in helping to address the relevant issues related to data, privacy and information security.”

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