BSIA Employment Law Seminar: latest legislation insight

BSIA Employment Law Seminar: latest legislation insight

The British Security Industry Association (BSIA) has joined forces with Moorepay Legal Services to deliver an Employment Law Seminar aimed at providing essential legal advice to security companies operating in Scotland.

The event will take place in Glasgow on the 29th September 2015 and is open to both members and non-members of the BSIA. Open to security professionals who are involved in the management of staff, the seminar will cover a wide variety of topics.

Expert guidance on everything from zero hours contracts to modern apprenticeships will be provided by the following confirmed guest speakers:

• Tom Muirhead BA MCIPD, Employment Tribunal Consultant, Moorepay Legal Services
• Jane Duffy, Education and Qualifications Advisor at Skills Development Scotland
• David Scott of New College Lanarkshire
• Terri Jones, Director General of Skills for Security

Registration will begin at 09.45 before topics including zero hours contracts, holiday pay, overtime/commission and modern apprenticeships are discussed in a security context. Lunch will follow the seminar and will provide an opportunity to network with other security professionals and guest speakers.

James Kelly, Chief Executive of the BSIA, commented:

“This event will be beneficial to anyone who would like to learn more about the legalities involved in employment or who would like to update their knowledge with the most current information.

“The event has kindly been sponsored by Moorepay Legal Services, market leading providers of Payroll and HR solutions, who are the current providers of the BSIA’s 24/7 legal helpline – which is free to members. As well as sponsoring the event, Moorepay have also provided one of their experts to deliver some of the seminar sessions.”

James Kelly adds: “With time set aside for questions and answers, delegates will benefit from individual advice from industry experts. This will be a great opportunity for anyone interested in employment law to gain a better understanding in a security context.”

Places are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Current BSIA members can attend the seminar for free and non-members can book a place for £45 + VAT.

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