BSIA Training Providers continue to show dedication to professionalism

The Training Providers section of the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) has recently released its Code of Conduct, emphasising that all members of the section are dedicated to delivering a professional and quality service.

Earlier this year the section launched its Code of Ethics, which outlined the section’s commitment to best practice in maintaining a high standard of customer service including promoting their services in a legal and fair manner.

The new Code of Conduct, which replaces the Code of Ethics, is particularly concerned with improving  high standards of behaviour by its members towards their customers and other stakeholders, as well as within the BSIA. Such responsibilities include avoiding conflict between personal interests, or the interests of any outside body, with their duties to their company.

Using information acquired as a member of the BSIA with proper care, as well as behaving with respect towards other members of the BSIA and not maliciously damaging the reputation of their fellow members, or the BSIA in general, are also part of the conduct.

By complying with this Code, members of the section are pledging to set high personal standards by keeping aware of and adhering to the conduct expected of them. The scope of the Code also covers all services supplied by members, including guarantees and warranties, after sales service and support, along with complaints and arbitration procedures. Members pledge that all such services will be conducted in a professional manner, safeguarding the interests of consumers. The Code of Conduct is available to read free of charge here:

“As a relatively new section of the BSIA, it is extremely important to us that we challenge the status quo by striving for continuous improvement in how we behave as professionals, as well as how we operate our training businesses” explains Paul Tennent, Chairman of the Training Providers Section.

“We provide quality training set to the highest standards so that the wider security industry may thrive with the best trained personnel. It is key, therefore, that we meet the needs of the industry by adhering to high professional standards.”

Members of the BSIA’s Training Providers section specialise in all types of training, from CCTV training to conflict management, risk management and much more. To find out more about the BSIA’s Training Providers Section, visit


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