Differentiated access management with SiPass integrated 2.65

  • siemens Multiple access authorisations can be defined for each card holder or work group
  • Reservation objects can be booked using a calendar-like interface
  • Support for integration with third-party HR systems

The most recent update to the SiPass integrated access control system, version 2.65, allows you to configure multiple access authorisations for card holders and work groups as well as for reservation objects. You can assign an unlimited number of access authorizations to each card holder, either permanently or temporarily us- ing fixed start and end times. The authorizations can be combined as needed. If you modify the access rights of a work group, the changes apply to all card holders in the group.

SiPass integrated _ catalogue image 2011SiPass integrated 2.65 supports current operating systems such as Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and offers interactive report- ing functions.

Reservation objects such as conference rooms, seminar rooms at universities or tennis courts at sports facilities, can be defined as a collection of access compo- nents. Making a reservation is easy: Users access a calendar-like interface via the web to quickly view the availability of the components, for example all conference rooms at a site, and then book or edit them.

The user interface for card management is customisable. To increase efficiency and ease of use, the display can be streamlined so that only regularly used functions are shown. If needed, card management and reservations can be handled through a third-party system, for instance an HR system, connected to SiPass integrated via application programming interfaces (API). External hardware, such as digital video recorders, can be controlled via a DVR API. Robust security features protect access via the web client.

For further information please contact:  Sam Lord, Security Products for Siemens

T:  01291 437920

E:  sam.lord@siemens.com; or visit www.siemens.co.uk/securityproducts

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