Ebola Training and Awareness

SecureBio run another Ebola Training and Awareness Course

SecureBio Ltd was established in October 2011 to bring the lessons learned and practiced by the UK military and police in training for and dealing with a broad spectrum of Chemical, Biological, Nuclear and Radiological (CBRN) threats and hazards to the commercial, security and military environments.

Building on the success of previous courses, SecureBio are running another Ebola Training and Awareness course at their headquarters in Melksham in Wiltshire on 10th December 14.

Pervious courses have drawn comments such as:  “I would Just like to say thanks for a very interesting and valuable day, it answered many lingering questions and a good refresher for the decontamination procedure”.  Jim, CBS News

 “Greatly enjoyed the day’s training, finding it very informative”.  Brian, Christian Aid

The Ebola training and awareness course is focused on Ebola operational risk management and is tailored to meet the requirements of individuals deploying to endemic areas and also Security and Risk Managers looking to enhance corporate resilience across their EMEA, North American and Rest of the World footprint.

It starts with giving a basic understanding of Ebola Virus Disease, how it is transmitted, managing the outbreak and then crucially selecting and identifying appropriate equipment for mitigating the threat.

It then move into a practical session with a wide selection of protective equipment; including Powered Air Purifying Respirators, the latest in full face respirators, oral-nasal masks and a selection of protective suits.

The day culminates in a full wet decontamination exercise, utilising UV marker dyes and audience participation, to demonstrate how the decontamination process works and what can go wrong.

Cost. The course costs £350 per person (plus VAT), which includes lunch. However, the SecureBio team is very happy to offer SecurityNewsDesk and SecurityMiddleEast.Com readers a 10% discount to your if you quote SecurityNewsDesk when booking.

Please contact info@securebio.co.uk and a course registration form will be sent to you.  You can download the course details by clicking HERE.

The SecureBio team is recruited exclusively from operationally experienced, security cleared, CBRN security professionals who have worked in specialist units within the UK’s military and police.

The key people you will be dealing with are:


Hamish de Bretton-Gordon OBEHamish

Hamish de Bretton-Gordon OBE was the former Commander of the British Military’s Joint Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Regiment and NATO’s Multi National CBRN Defence Battalion.

Hamish advises UK Government at the very highest level on CBRN, and frequently appears on the BBC, Sky News, AJE and CBS News as their expert commentator on Syria chemical weapons and all things CBRN.

Oliver MortonOlly[1]

Oliver is SecureBio’s Operations Director who was previously responsibe for the procurement and implementation of the UK’s highly specialist and globally deployed Light Role CBRN Team, a capability mimicked by many other nations across the world as well. His experience extends to conducting multinational inspections of readiness and ensuring certification and standardisation of the CBRN operating procedures

Iain ThomsonIain

Iain is the Technical Director at SecureBio and has an unrivalled depth of technical and training knowledge. His experience covers the procurement of detection, identification and analysis equipment, the development of in-field decontamination techniques and the implementation of training, including live agent training (not live Ebola training!).

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