Infinity Optics Solutions

January 21, 2015 – Infinity Optics Solutions, a Singapore-based high-tech firm, has announced that it has successfully developed a groundbreaking, new optics imaging solution that encompasses a “massive depth-of-field vision”. The firm is currently adapting the technology for the biometrics marketplace. The solution can be used for both iris and facial geometry recognition.

According to Alfred Chan, the firm’s chief executive, this new technology from Infinity Optics Solutions will be path-breaking. This is because the single lens technology eliminates the need to move the eye back and forth within a narrow focus zone, which is typical for iris and facial recognition solutions using industry standard technology.
“Our single lens ‘extended depth of field’ technology is the answer to eliminating the ‘chicken dance’ you so often see in hardware applications where the eye has to move towards or away from the device into a very restrictive and narrow sweet spot,” said Chan in an exclusive interview with “In some other portable applications, users similarly move the device towards the eye. This limitation exists in current lens technology within standard commercial cameras. They are often too bulky and costly to build and requires a multiple lens system.”

In contrast, Chan says Infinity Optics Solutions differentiates itself through the use of a single lens, which the company has entitled InfinityLens+. The single lens technology from Infinity Optics Solutions delivers clear images in near, mid- and far distances using a simplified lens system so that the imaging device captures iris and multiple facial geometry over an extended depth of field. Simply put, the device “sees more” and “sees further”, enabling better data capture for both iris recognition and facial geometry recognition.
“I think if you look at the conventional imaging space, many of the solutions available are ‘off-the-shelf’ and not customized for specific use,” stated Chan. “They have been designed using cameras that have been developed for general surveillance. In comparison, we design our optic design solutions for specific and customized needs.”

Chan notes that “the need for better data is resulting in a rapid expansion of software analytics and algorithms as well as vice versa. However, the best software can only deliver the most accurate data by using the best image capture.”
The InfinityLens+ solution aims at providing the highest-quality resolution images for biometric data processing. In terms of iris recognition and iris in motion imaging, the solution works to generate more frames, thereby increasing the probability of capturing a better image, according to Chan. “In typical solutions, narrow focal distance causes the user to have to bring a mobile devices within two centimeters of the eye. Our solution is designed to allow users to hold their mobile device at a normal distance and still obtain a great image for biometric authentication,” stated Chan. “The goal of our solution is to provide vendors with a simple, cost effective single lens that can be deployed in any mobile device, such as a smartphone.”

Infinity Optics Solutions’ team of developers, based in its R&D facilities in Singapore and Hong Kong, have honed the lens solution so that hardware manufacturers and software analytics firms can deliver the highest levels of accuracy.
“If you look at our lens in general, we believe that our innovation is both revolutionary and disruptive. Our firm is currently looking to expand its capabilities in order to bring the solution to market quickly.”

Chan stated that Infinity Optics Solutions is currently working on a few opportunities to commercialize the technology

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