Mimecast hosted a Human Firewall Event at GITEX 2016

Mimecast hosted a Human Firewall Event at GITEX 2016

Mimecast held a live demonstration to showcase the ease with which hackers can get through individual email accounts

As part of its GITEX Technology Week 2016 plans, Mimecast Limited (NASDAQ: MIME), a leading email and data security company, held a Human Firewall breakfast event on October 19 at the Dubai World Trade Centre from 8am to 11am.

The event targeted organizations with email users covering the latest threat trends, how users can prepare their email defences and the newest solutions available to prevent these attack.

Speaking on the necessity of educating people on the importance of email security, Brandon Bekker, Managing Director at Mimecast MEA said, “91% of cyber-attacks start with an email. Companies are being attacked by malicious cyber criminals with more frequency and sophistication than ever before. The threat of spear-phishing, whaling and socially-engineered email attacks is real and could happen to any company and hence making people aware of the latest threats, and how they could prepare these attacks is important.”

“We know that routine security training doesn’t work and technology is less effective without proper training. Only when organizations start to get users to think for a fraction of a second longer than normal before performing a task, running an attachment or clicking a link, that they can drive a behavior change in them. With the Human Firewall event, we want to educate our customers on the threats, encourage a behavior change towards security and invoke a human firewall to help protect their business and de-fang the threats that target them,” Mr. Bekker added.

Mimecast is showcasing its full-range of email and data security solutions and services, at GITEX Technology Week 2016, being held from October 16-20, 2016 at the Dubai World Trade Centre. Mimecast is exhibiting at stand C1-20, Hall 1.

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