A drop-in tensions between India and Pakistan has been achieved following the release of the captured India Air Force (IAF) pilot, Wing Commander Abhinandan Vartaman’s by the Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan this month (March).
The pilot was captured following an aerial engagement between his MiG-21 and a Pakistan Air Force F-16 after which he was reported missing in action by the Indian officials. Following his capture, he was reported to have been treated well until his release by the Pakistan PM.
News of his release has been welcomed by both sides in the dispute with the Pakistan Prime Minister, Imran Khan saying that the release would be a peace gesture that was also welcomed by India.
This has prompted crowds of people to gather at the boarder to help welcome home the pilot and also see a reopening of Pakistan airspace for civilian traffic.
These moves come following an intense period of activity between the two countries over the disputed region of Kashmir which saw the IAF strike at targets in the Pakistan controlled region following an alleged suicide bombing attack which is reported to have killed 40 Indian troops in February.
In the aftermath of the attack on the Indian troops, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, said that those events had brought the nation closer together and that the nations support for the military was still strong.