Paxton staff raising money for Movember 2012

Raising money for the Movember Foundation, the Institute of Cancer Research and Prostate Cancer UK.

This November, members of staff at access control company, Paxton, are participating in the month of Movember. Movember is a foundation that raises money for male related cancer charities and men’s health, through moustache-based fundraising each November.

The Paxton team began the month clean shaven on 1st November, and will spend the rest of the month cultivating a moustache. Each team member will gain sponsorship to raise money for the Movember Foundation, the Institute of Cancer Research and Prostate Cancer UK.

Paxton specialise in designing and engineering security solutions for buildings, which are exported all over the world. After supporting the London to Brighton bike ride for the British Heart Foundation in September, members of staff at the company were keen to get involved in Movember and continue raising money for charity. Women who work at Paxton are also taking part – on the 1st they even donned fake moustaches in support of their colleagues!

Since its beginnings in Melbourne, Australia, Movember has grown into a worldwide movement and has now raised £184 million to date. An estimated half a million men will loan their upper lips throughout the month, and this year even Big Ben kicked off the month by sporting a blue moustache. As well as raising money for the charities, Movember is about raising awareness and promoting visibility for the often overlooked issue of men’s health.

Daniel Kidd, Frontline Sales and Support, who suggested Paxton take part this year, says: “Movember is an excellent way to raise both money and awareness for causes that are sometimes seen as embarrassing. The nature of the conditions that are supported by Movember; prostate and testicular cancer, are understandably distressing for the person affected, as well as their family and friends. For so many people around the world to support it, in such an obvious way, is fantastic and Paxton wanted to be a part of that. We have over 20 people involved at Paxton and we hope that between us, we can raise a lot of money… as well as looking like Tom Selleck.”

Sponsor the Paxton team, and their moustaches, at:



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