Pyronix security solutions – 2015 review

Pyronix security solutions – 2015 review

2015 was another highly successful year for us at Pyronix, as we worked hard to deliver innovative products and services that we hope helped you flourish.

We were particularly happy with how the launches of the Enforcer 32-WE APP and PCX-46 APP, along with the HomeControl+ App and PyronixCloud infrastructure were received.

These wireless and hybrid control panels alongside the mobile application allow end users to control and monitor their full security system on their smart devices from anywhere in the world, as well as provide remote management, programming and diagnostics to you, the installer.

With the launch of the HomeControl+ Cameras, we extended the capability further, by adding live HD video monitoring through the internal pan and tilt and static external cameras.

There was also the release of the UR2-WE (Universal Receiver) which delivers the ability to connect any brand of wired control panel with an arm/disarm output to the full Enforcer two-way wireless range of devices.

Not only were there developments with our products, but also with our production and manufacturing processes, through the opening of our brand new factory in the UK.

The factory, which is based near our Head Office atRotherham, UK, provides us with the optimum anti-static environment so that we are working at the highest possible standards of electronics manufacturing.

As we look forward to 2016, we are planning for yet another successful year as we celebrate our 30th anniversary and continue to develop and create even more new and exciting products.

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